Starting September 17, we will begin a new series of small groups to enable us to learn, develop relationships, and grow in our faith. We will meet for six weeks on Thursday evenings. We will have a light supper available at 6 p.m. to make it easier for people coming from work. At 6:30, we will share a common devotion and prayer time. Then, from 6:45-8 p.m., you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure for your personal growth.
Choose one of these small groups:
- Basic Bible
- Adult Confirmation/New Member Class
- Enough – Living Simply in a complex world
You will find a sign-up board in the sanctuary, so please let us know where your interests lie so that we can have the appropriate study guides for you. Or you can
email a pastor or call the church office at 772-9214. Child care will be provided.