Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rummage Sale - Oct 3rd & 4th


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd from 8am to 3pm


Remember, Saturday is also our $1.00 a bag day.
Thank you.
LPUMC United Methodist Women

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reading Mentors - Fall 2008

We have another opportunity to be engaged in helping kids learn how to read better, and to be "encouragers" of their self confidence in school and in life. When Principal Vasilika Tsichlis was here from Hodgens Elementary School, she invited us to become part of the H.E.A.R.T.s Program (Hodgen's Excellent Academic Reading Tutors).

Their goal is to find a tutor to mentor every second and third grader. Mentoring happens on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10:15am-10:45am, or 11:50am-12:20pm. Training will be provided and each student will have materials to work on with their tutor.

There are currently four folks from LPUMC that are planning to become mentors. If you would like to join us, contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332. I fully expect it to be an amazing blessing for us as God's Spirit flows through us to nurture our neighbors' children.

Pastor Sharon

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Capital Campaign Launched

The trustees would like to announce that we are beginning a capital campaign to raise ten thousand dollars for tuck-pointing of the church exterior.

Many of you might have noticed the peeling and crumbling plaster around the church. We have discovered that the church needs tuck-pointing. We were able to get one section done last year and that section of the interior has stayed dry. Once this project is complete we can start to think about beautification of the interior spaces.

Our goal is to raise ten thousand dollars in order to complete the project and protect the integrity of the building. I am always amazed at what great things we can accomplish together and I look forward to getting the repairs done soon. Please donate what you can and mark it for "tuck pointing". One donation or several over time it does not matter as every one will get us closer to our goal.

Over the last several years we have made some wonderful improvements to the building. We have repaired two major stained glass windows,replaced the roof, replaced the sanctuary carpet, renovated the downstairs men's restroom, painted fellowship hall, covered the parking lot entrance stairs, upgraded the air compressor units for the air conditioning, painted the exterior gym windows, added an office space for the preschool and associate pastor, and most recently renovated the pastor and secretary's office space. These are only the large projects. There were many many smaller projects completed and I promise exciting things to come in the future.

This has all been made possible by the generosity of each one of you and we are privileged to be entrusted by you to care for this beautiful and historic building. Thank you all for taking such good care of our church.

Daron Smith & Trustees Committee