Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Homecoming Celebration - Sept. 19th

Please join us as we kickoff the fall season on this very special Sunday. It is a great time to see old friends and make new ones. If it is your first Sunday, welcome. If it is your first Sunday since Spring, welcome back.

SPECIAL Guest Speaker, Dr. Aubry Jones

Recently retired from Beloved Community UMC after many years of service to the people of God. Dr. Jones, mentor to our own Pastor Kathleen, will grace us with his presence and his insights.

Our Choir Returns
After their summer recess the Choir will again delight us with their inspiring musical selections. [New members Welcome! - Practice on Wednesdays]

“Old Fashioned Methodist Potluck Dinner”
Join with friends, members, former members and guests as we recall the memories of potlucks past and celebrate with wonder the bounty with which God has blessed us all!

Bowling Alley Rededication
Join the fun, as Pastor Kathleen and “Chief Renovator” George Grove, will be joined by the Silent Auction Winners and will bowl the first balls in the newly renovated facility. The bowling alley is seen not only as a place for fellowship but also will provide outreach opportunities to the community.

Fall Adventures In Faith - Begins Sept 23!

Come join us during this seven week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life. We being on Thursday September 23rd and conclude on November 4th. We will gather at 6:00 pm for a light shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a devotion and prayer. From 6:45-8:00 pm, you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure. This fall the choices are:
  1. EXPLORE OUR FAITH: Learn about prayer through the practice of meditation with Brenda Cook and Becky Mueller.
  2. EXPLORE THE WORD: Explore the Psalms with Stephanie Leonard
  3. EXPLORE THROUGH LITERATURE: The "Screwtape Letters", a book study. Become aware of how Satan and his host of fallen angels work in the hearts and lives of men, especially Christians, in this artfully written book by C. C.S. Lewis. Led by Nicole Knepper.
  4. CRAFTS: Bring your handwork to visit and make beautiful things.

We will also be offering an afternoon Adventure in Faith! Beginning September 22 on Wednesdays from 2 p.m.— 4 p.m.

  1. EXPLORE THE PARABLES OF JESUS: Study led by Olivia Natwick
If you have any questions contact Pastor Kathleen. If you would like to sign up, just email the church secretary.

New Ministry Intern Stephanie Leonard

Stephanie Leonard is joining the pastoral staff here at LPUMC. She is currently a student at Eden Theological seminary and a certified candidate in the Gateway Central district. She has pastoral experience as a hospital chaplain at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Peters , Missouri.

Stephanie is pursuing a second vocation in the ministry and has an extensive background in business and military. She is a veteran of the Iraq war. She has been awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service in the combat zone. With 20 years of military service, she has recently been commissioned Chief Warrant Officer in the Missouri National Guard, the first woman in Missouri to achieve that rank.

We are delighted to have Stephanie with us and pray for her success in her studies at Eden. We look forward to being a part of her journey toward ordination and are eager to see what blessings our Father has in store for all of us.