Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lent: Journey to Hope

Lent is right around the corner and we have some great opportunities.  Journey to Hope will inspire us to reflect on Jesus’ experiences on the path to the cross in new ways.  It will encourage us to interact with God no matter where we are in life.  By addressing real life circumstances of relationships, self-esteem, work, temptation, money problems, suffering and death, travelers on the journey discover how faith in Christ is relevant to everyday life and how having a faith community can make all the difference.  Journey to Hope, is a sermon series, every Sunday in Lent.  To go along with the series, we will be offering small group studies, Monday and Thursday evenings during Lent.   Please clear your schedule and plan to join us.

We all take our stresses to bed with us. We can't help it. But, in the morning, have you ever thought back over a restless night to cipher how to find peace?
If you ask friends to list the things that trouble them at night, you'll probably get some form of these top 7 causes:
  1. self-esteem
  2. relationships
  3. work
  4. temptations
  5. money
  6. suffering
  7. hope
  8. Scary Movie 5
Trying to find a path through stresses can be enough to give one pause - but help is here! Journey To Hope series examines these 7 words to discover the hope that can be found in the midst of any of life’s most difficult circumstance.