Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Operation HOGAR - Juarez Mexico October 2009

Mission to Mexico - October 3-9, 2009

Are you interested in a volunteer opportunity to help build a home for a family in Mexico? Contact Team Leader Nancy Thuer . The trip is sponsored by the Missouri Office of Creative Ministries UMC and Lafayette Park United Methodist Church. This effort is part of the ministry of the Missouri United Methodist Conference.

Adventures in Faith study begins Sept 17th

Adventures in Faith begin on September 17! This is a six-week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life.

Each Thursday evening starting September 17, we will gather at 6:00 p.m. for a light, shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a common devotion and prayer time. From 6:45 – 8:00, you can choose from a small group faith adventure experience to participate in. There will be three choices this fall: Basic Bible, Adult Confirmation, and Enough – living simply in a complex world. Childcare will be provided. Please save the date now!

Rock the River Music Tour - August 2

Thousands of St. Louis youth are expected to take part in the Rock the River Music Tour. It's a high-energy, outdoor concert featuring popular Christian bands performing in ventures along the Mississippi.

Date: August 2, 2009
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Place: Under the Arch

For more details contact Pastor Sharon

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hands In Mission at Shalom House - July 25

On Saturday, July 25th, we will be gathering to go over to Shalom House and do some things there with and for the residents. Shalom House offers short-term shelter and support (classes, internet access, meals, spiritual guidance, and health care) for women who need help getting their feet back on the ground. There is also a transitional program for those who are making good progress in moving toward becoming self-sufficient again.

The three projects are:

  1. Painting a room
  2. Mowing the lawn, trimming, and weeding the flower beds
  3. Cooking up a hot brunch and serving it to the ladies.

If you are able to bring a mower, please let me know. Their mower broke at the beginning of the summer, and they have been just getting by week by week until a new one is donated. I have a weed-wacker that can also be used for trimming the sides of the building.

If you are interested in being part of the brunch team, please let me know. We would be feeding 10-15 people, and can use the kitchen, but will need to figure out what to serve, and where and how to get the ingredients.

We will meet at LPUMC at 7:45 and car pool over! Hope to see you with HIM!

Pastor Sharon

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Youth Mission Trip - July 12-16th 2009

Destination: The rural community of Theodosia, Missouri
Location: South central MO, on shore of Bull Shoals
Host: Theodosia UMC. We’ll bring bedrolls and air mattresses and sleep on the floor. We will use the church kitchen, and shower at the YMCA
Project: Tornado cleanup
Purpose: To go deeper with God through serving God’s people
Fun Day: Thursday: ½ day float trip and picnic. Bring fishing poles
Cost: We’ll have fundraisers to cover the cost of our groceries and traveling expenses. The float trip will cost approx. $20 per person. Everybody needs to participate in the fundraiser.
Spending $: No more than $20, please
Chaperones: Pastor Sharon, Joel Kichline, and Cami Bisch
Questions: Call Pastor Sharon at 314/566-0332 or email

Mission Meeting: July 2 @ 7pm LPUMC Fellowship Hall
(Youth required to be in attendance with a parent)