Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adventures in Faith Begins April 8th

Come join us during this six week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life. We being on Thursday April 8 and conclude on May 13th. We will gather at 6:00 pm for a light shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a devotion and prayer. From 6:45-8:00 pm, you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure. This winter, the four choices are:
  1. Explore our Faith: Personal Devotional Habits
  2. Explore the Word: Bible Study
  3. Exploring Health: Low-impact Fitness Class
  4. Crafts: Bring your knitting, crocheting, or other crafts and visit while you make beautiful things together
Childcare will be provided.

Sign up now by calling the church office at 771-9214, speak to a Pastor, or sign up during worship.

Holy Week Schedule - 2010

Easter time is here and once again we have additional worship services for everyone to take advantage of.

  • Palm Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM - March 28th

  • Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel - April 1st

  • Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM - April 2nd

  • Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt - 10:30AM -April 3rd

Easter Sunday

  • 8AM - Reflections on an Empty Tomb
    This service will offer a contemporary, contemplative experience at the end of the Easter Vigil. It will begin in darkness and grow into the resurrected light and life of Christ.
  • 8:30-9:30 AM - Breakfast
    Please join us in Fellowship Hall
  • 10 AM - An Easter Celebration
    This service will offer a traditional celebration of Easter just briefly reminding us of Good Friday and experiencing Resurrection as we worship.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt and Party! - April 3rd

On Saturday, April 3rd, Lafayette Park UMC is excited to welcome The Easter Bunny, who will be hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

The festivities kick off at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall from which Mr. Bunny will lead the party to the park. Children will be divided into groups according to age for the hunt. After wards guests will follow the Bunny Trail back to the church for photos with the Easter Bunny, games, snacks and special treats. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to all.

We'll be preparing the eggs for the hunt on Sunday March 28th after worship.

For more information, please email Pastor Sharon.