Thursday, April 30, 2009

UMC Habitat for Humanity - Fall 2009

UMC Habitat for Humanity builds this summer

Lafayette Park UMC will partner with other United Methodist churches in St. Louis on a Habitat-build off North Grand. No particular expertise is required, but you must be 18 or older to participate. This will be a great opportunity to meet and work with other United Methodists in our city and to help someone build a new home for their family. The work day typically lasts from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

LPUMC is invited to bring 4-8 persons to each of these four dates:

  • August 8th

  • August 29th

  • October 3rd

  • October 17th

If you are interested in participating, please contact Chris Kinder or Pastor Sharon at or 566-0332 to sign up.

Hands in Mission - Summer 2009!

Something new is coming . . .

WHAT? Hands in Mission (H.I.M.) will provide teams of workers to be sent into our local mission field to serve local projects and further develop relationships with existing Methodist agencies. The purpose of these opportunities is to nurture personal relationships with staff, volunteers and clients, and to make a difference in our community by assisting with unbudgeted maintenance tasks.

Typically, we will form workgroups within our multi-aged project team and work side-by-side with other volunteers/staff to perform the tasks at hand. During our time at the worksite, we will tour the facility and learn about the services that our host provides.

WHEN? Hands In Mission will usually take place one Saturday morning a month from 8:00 until noon, or whatever part of the morning works into your schedule. We will do three H.I.M.’s this summer, from June through August.

WHY? Because as part of the body of Christ, we are invited to be Christ’s hands in our community, to do his work of building, healing, and loving.

Dates for upcoming H.I.M. Opportunities
Saturday, June 13th Centenary Cares
Saturday, July 25th Shalom House
Saturday, August 22nd TBA

Questions? Contact Jason Stokes, Chris Kinder, or Pastor Sharon

Vacation Bible School! - June 15-19

Join our Beach Party
Vacation Bible School!
June 15-19
from 6-8:30 p.m.

Children, youth, and adults are welcome!
New this year: Adult VBS group

Local Hands-on Mission: Solomon’s Project

May 30, 2009 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Find your work gloves and favorite ole’ t-shirt, and plan now to join a mission team from Lafayette Park UMC to work on a local building project through the Solomon Project.

Solomon Project is organized through our neighbors at North Grand Neighborhood Services (NGNS). They rehab older homes and buildings that have fallen into significant disrepair, and might even have been condemned. One by one by one, this organization, supported by corporate, non-for-profits, and private sponsors, has transformed derelict buildings into beautiful and affordable housing.

Depending on the team size, we may have smaller groups painting, cleaning up the worksite, dry-walling, etc, but there will be something for everyone to do.

Lunch will be provided on the worksite.

NGNS also welcomes financial support for their projects. Every penny received is passed on as savings to the prospective home owner.

Any questions? Contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332 or Jason Stokes. For more information, you can also check out

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cajun Dinner - April 25

Our second annual Cajun Dinner to benefit Volunteers in Mission will be held on Saturday, April 25. The Chefs Merle and Heugatter will cover the cooking again!. Mark your calendars to come enjoy some incredible food. This is the best Cajun food north of New Orleans!

Earth Day Tree Planting - April 19

On Sunday morning April 19, LPUMC will be planting a tree between the 8 and 10 AM worship services. Bring you gloves and join us at 9:30 Sunday morning to plant a tree!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Annual Spring Book Fair - April 17 & 18th

On April 17 and 18, peruse the wide variety of titles at the United Methodist Women’s annual book sale. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday in the lower level of the church. Plan to arrive early for the best selection.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Holy Week Schedule - March 2009

Easter time is here and once again we have additional worship services for everyone to take advantage of.

The week of March 5 Special Worship Services:

  • Palm Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM

  • Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel

  • Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM

  • Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt (10:30PM see below!)

Easter Sunday - Worship

  • 8AM - Reflections on an Empty Tomb
    This service will offer a contemporary, contemplative experience at the end of the Easter Vigil. It will begin in darkness and grow into the resurrected light and life of Christ.

  • 10 AM - An Easter Celebration
    This service will offer a traditional celebration of Easter just briefly reminding us of Good Friday and experiencing Resurrection as we worship.