Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Eve Schedule - Dec. 24th

4:00 p.m. - Family Worship

This service will be an interactive family experience. It will include our carols and will focus on the Journey to Find Jesus, inviting the children to travel around the Sanctuary in search of the baby Jesus. The children will again be invited to serve Holy Communion.

10:30 p.m. - Music Program

11:00 p.m. - Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship

This is our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, rich with sacred music provided by the choir, and the sharing of Holy Communion. Worship will conclude at midnight as candlelight is passed to everyone, and the darkened sanctuary is illuminated.

Come join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

“Nets for Catembe” Progress Report

Our Campaign to provide mosquito nets for all of Catembe, Mozambique is exceeding expectations. Less than a month old we are approaching the halfway mark! Last year, we raised 220 nets to cover the members of our “sister” church, The Catembe United Methodist Church.

This Year’s focus is on providing mosquito nets for everyone in the city of Catembe. We need 2000 nets to protect the women, children and families of Catembe. So far we have raised enough funds for 911 nets. So we only have 1089 nets remaining to reach our goal.

The nets are treated so that in addition to protecting people from mosquito bites, any mosquito that lands on the net is dead within a few minutes. The result is an 82% reduction of malaria cases in the area that the nets have been distributed.

Mozambique is a country located on the southeast coast of Africa. A one time colony of Portugal, independence was gained in the 1970’s and followed by a civil war. A young country rich in resources it is still largely undeveloped. About 60% of it’s children complete primary school. Only 7% complete a secondary education. Malaria is a horrible disease that greatly impacts many people. It is estimated that it kills 800,000 children each year in Africa.

$10 Saves a Life — Buy a Mosquito Net and give the gift of a healthy life to our brothers and sisters in Catembe!

Breakfast with Santa - Sat December 11th - 9:30 AM

Saturday, December 11 from 9:30-11:00 a.m.

Children under the age of 10 years and their parents are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast and a visit with Santa. This event is open to members and friends.

Fun, food and pictures with Santa will be provided at no cost. Just come and enjoy!

Sponsored by the WCDANS and friends

Thursday, December 09, 2010

World AIDS Day – December 1st

December 1 of each year marks World AIDS Day, a global observation that raises awareness of HIV & AIDS, commemorates those who have died, and celebrates advances in prevention and treatment services.

A time to remember the more than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981, and the 14,000 who will die in the United States this year. To remind ourselves that there are more than 1 million people in the United States and 33 million worldwide who are living with HIV and AIDS and wonder how almost 3 million people were infected last year alone.

We have lost fiends, brothers and sisters to this disease. They have been part of our families and our church. Each one a life cut short, each one leaving a void in our lives.

World AIDS Day is an opportunity for us to work together to help reduce stigma around HIV and promote HIV testing. Silence will not prevent the spread of this disease. Ignorance and silence is the enemy. Talk with your doctor, your partners, your family and friends. It is imperative we remove the stigma surrounding this disease.

At the end of 2008, women accounted for over 50% of all adults living with HIV worldwide. Young people (under 25 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Unfortunately, the number of new HIV cases remains high — an estimated 2.7 million last year alone — which means too many remain uneducated about the disease. The UMC is committed to put a stop to HIV/AIDS in our world, in our time. The UM Global AIDS Fund is leading the effort for an AIDS free world. Become educated; check out the UM Global AIDS Fund website at and

Monday, November 08, 2010

Turkey Dinner - Saturday Nov. 13

The annual Turkey Dinner and Holiday Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday November 13 from Noon until 7 PM. Stop by for lunch or dinner or in between. For $7 you'll be treated to turkey, dressing, potatoes, veggies, a desert and tea or coffee! Best deal in town!

Fellowship Hall is located in the lower level of the church. You can enter through the handicap entrance on Lafayette Ave. or through the side parking lot.

Walking Home Event - Nov. 13th

On Saturday, November 13, The Bridge will host the 3rd annual Walking Home Event to raise awareness of the existence of homelessness in St. Louis and to further understanding of the challenges faced by sojourners each day. The Walk will begin at Centenary United Methodist Church, home of The Bridge, at 1610 Olive St. downtown.

Doors will open at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served, and on-site registration will be from 9:30 to 10:00. Participants may also register by going to The Bridge website,, and are encouraged to do so. At 10:00, Executive Director Reverend Kathleen Wilder will welcome walkers, followed by a few words from Mayor Slay and a brief statement from one of the guests of The Bridge. The first group of walkers will leave the church at approximately 10:20. At each of five stops along the trail, participants will be greeted by a Walk host who will tell a little about the services of a particular agency, or talk about the significance of the point at which the group is stopped. The entire route will take about 1 to 1 1/2 hours to cover. For those who are unable to complete the entire distance, there will be a point mid-way, or sooner, at which people may return to the church. Back at Centenary UMC, walkers will have the chance to discuss what they heard--and learned--while they have lunch and enjoy music by Not for a Billion--the Ron Daugherty Party Band.

Please join staff and guests of The Bridge for this very important event. Reading or hearing about homelessness is one thing. Walking the path that hundreds of people travel every day, just to get their basic needs met; talking with a veteran who has no place to call home; looking into the face of a young mother raising her children alone; these can take a person from knowing that homelessness exists in our city to, just maybe, being able to understand a little bit of what that means. Walking Home is a no-fee event; however, we will gladly accept free-will donations on site.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Homecoming Celebration - Sept. 19th

Please join us as we kickoff the fall season on this very special Sunday. It is a great time to see old friends and make new ones. If it is your first Sunday, welcome. If it is your first Sunday since Spring, welcome back.

SPECIAL Guest Speaker, Dr. Aubry Jones

Recently retired from Beloved Community UMC after many years of service to the people of God. Dr. Jones, mentor to our own Pastor Kathleen, will grace us with his presence and his insights.

Our Choir Returns
After their summer recess the Choir will again delight us with their inspiring musical selections. [New members Welcome! - Practice on Wednesdays]

“Old Fashioned Methodist Potluck Dinner”
Join with friends, members, former members and guests as we recall the memories of potlucks past and celebrate with wonder the bounty with which God has blessed us all!

Bowling Alley Rededication
Join the fun, as Pastor Kathleen and “Chief Renovator” George Grove, will be joined by the Silent Auction Winners and will bowl the first balls in the newly renovated facility. The bowling alley is seen not only as a place for fellowship but also will provide outreach opportunities to the community.

Fall Adventures In Faith - Begins Sept 23!

Come join us during this seven week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life. We being on Thursday September 23rd and conclude on November 4th. We will gather at 6:00 pm for a light shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a devotion and prayer. From 6:45-8:00 pm, you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure. This fall the choices are:
  1. EXPLORE OUR FAITH: Learn about prayer through the practice of meditation with Brenda Cook and Becky Mueller.
  2. EXPLORE THE WORD: Explore the Psalms with Stephanie Leonard
  3. EXPLORE THROUGH LITERATURE: The "Screwtape Letters", a book study. Become aware of how Satan and his host of fallen angels work in the hearts and lives of men, especially Christians, in this artfully written book by C. C.S. Lewis. Led by Nicole Knepper.
  4. CRAFTS: Bring your handwork to visit and make beautiful things.

We will also be offering an afternoon Adventure in Faith! Beginning September 22 on Wednesdays from 2 p.m.— 4 p.m.

  1. EXPLORE THE PARABLES OF JESUS: Study led by Olivia Natwick
If you have any questions contact Pastor Kathleen. If you would like to sign up, just email the church secretary.

New Ministry Intern Stephanie Leonard

Stephanie Leonard is joining the pastoral staff here at LPUMC. She is currently a student at Eden Theological seminary and a certified candidate in the Gateway Central district. She has pastoral experience as a hospital chaplain at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Peters , Missouri.

Stephanie is pursuing a second vocation in the ministry and has an extensive background in business and military. She is a veteran of the Iraq war. She has been awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service in the combat zone. With 20 years of military service, she has recently been commissioned Chief Warrant Officer in the Missouri National Guard, the first woman in Missouri to achieve that rank.

We are delighted to have Stephanie with us and pray for her success in her studies at Eden. We look forward to being a part of her journey toward ordination and are eager to see what blessings our Father has in store for all of us.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Operacion HOGAR VIM Team Prepares for October Trip

Once again the Lafayette Park UMC Volunteer In Mission team is gearing up for a trip to Juarez Mexico. The team will head south to work with our friends at Operacion HOGAR to build safe housing for a family in Juarez.

For more details contact Nancy Thuer or Jim Wilder.

To read more about last years mission, check out this post . . .

Good Luck Aaron & Caroline!

From Worship-Ash Wed 2010

All of us at LPUMC want to thank Aaron and Caroline Ban for the time they spent with us while working with the young adults. And the choir will be short a couple great voices. You have been a blessing to us and we will keep both of you in our thoughts and prayers.

Aaron Ban, will be the new pastor at St. Peter's Evangelical United Church of Christ in Granite City, IL beginning September 12, 2010. This will be a part-time position and he and Caroline will be living in the Pastor's residence.

At the present time Aaron is traveling and is in Seattle working with a Pastor whose ministry is working with the homeless. On August 15, Aaron will travel to Georgia for a 3 day conference and then he and Caroline will be packing and moving from Webster Groves to Granite City.

Aaron wants everyone to know that, "Caroline and I are grateful for the time we spent at LPUMC, a church community that embraced and nurtured us both."

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Vacation Bible School July 19-22, at The Bridge

Through the generosity of Living Word United Methodist Church in Wildwood, MO, SportsLife Camps will be bringing an evening Vacation Bible School program to The Bridge for kids to enjoy. On Monday, July 19, through Thursday, July 22, from 6:30 - 8 p.m. each evening, all children in 1st through 6th grades (what they'll be entering in fall 2010) will be welcomed to join the fun at Cententary for this program.

Sara Cleary, Director of Children's Ministries at Living Word says, "This will be our 3rd summer offering SportsLife Camp at Living Word. It has been an awesome experience for all involved." They wanted to offer the same program to children of our guests at The Bridge, those that reside in area homeless shelters with their parents and for children who live in the downtown area who may not otherwise have the availability for VBS this summer. Living Word arranged for SportsLife to come to Centenary as part of their Community Outreach program.

As Sara goes on to say, "The SportsLife Team Counselors simply show up with a trailer full of supplies and lead the camp - much different than a 'traditional' VBS". This year's theme is "REACH". The time at VBS will be spent with upbeat song and dance, arts & crafts, a Bible lesson with a DVD component, and then actual "sport instruction" in various areas. And of course, a snack!

It is desired that all campers pre-register, but walk-ins will be welcomed as well. There is no cost to any children who attend the VBS at Centenary. Open registration begins each night at 6:15 pm right inside the door off the parking lot at Centenary UMC. For more information or to register your child for VBS, please contact The Bridge.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

McKinley Peace Community Garden

From McKinley Peace Community Garden-2010

The raised beds are in and the plantings are done! This summers marks the first season for the McKinley Peace Community Garden. The garden is a project of Lafayette Park UMC and the McKinley Classical Jr Academy.

The garden is located in at McKinley Classical Jr Academy. If you have a few minutes drop by and check on the progress. If you have an extra 30 minutes, check with Fred Domke an offer to help out. There are always opportunities to share your skills either with the earth or the students.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Shalom House July Supply Drive

LPUMC is having a supply drive for Shalom House during the month of July. We are collecting donations of the following:
  • Paper towels
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Trash bags
Shalom House has a large need for these items, so LPUMC is trying to stock them up! Please drop off any donations in the container downstairs in Fellowship Hall.

Shalom House offers innovative programs to empower women who are homeless and mentally ill to seek treatment and acquire the skills needed to become self-sufficient. They provide emergency shelter for 25 women and transitional housing for another dozen. Shalom House is a United Methodist Vital Ministry.

Thank you all for your continual support of Shalom House.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

PrideFest 2010 Update


Celebrating with purpose and pageantry and energized by the buoyant presence of multiple congregations, including Lafayette Park UMC, thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have marched, sung and reflected their way through Gay Pride. Once again Lafayette Park participated in St Louis LGBT PrideFest on June 26 & 27 in Tower Grove Park


Several dozen members of the congregation either manned the booth or stopped by to offer support and bring friends to see what we are all about. Besides being an opening and welcoming congregation, we have offer many opportunities to get engaged in social justice. What a great weekend


Thanks to everyone that helped make this a great event for our church and the community. Mark your calendar now for PrideFest 2011, June 25th & 26th.

Monday, June 07, 2010

LPUMC Prepares for PrideFest: June 26-27

Once again, LPUMC will have a booth at the annual gay and lesbian PrideFest in Tower Grove Park. This is an outreach event for our congregation. We want the LGBT community to know:

As a people of faith, we recognize the diversity of people created in the image of God. As a congregation, we welcome people of any age, gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, health status and any element of humanity created by God.

As usual there will be representatives of other churches near the park spreading a different message. We hope to be a positive force at PrideFest. We will be sharing information about the ministries we have here at LPUMC and inviting anyone who is interested to stop by for a visit. What can you do?

It is simple. Volunteer to staff the booth in the park on Saturday or Sunday. Everyone is welcome! We will answer questions about our ministries, how they can get involved and assure them they are welcome. Well need two volunteers per shift, two hour shifts, starting at 11, 1, 3 and 5 both days.

Pride 2009

Look for sign-up sheets every Sunday in June and for updates on the Yahoo Group. If you have any questions or to volunteer, contact Chris Finley at 314-630-7482 or email

Pastor Sharon's Last Sunday June 13!

Pastor Sharon Kichline has been appointed as Pastor of Smith Creek and Central Grove Charge United Methodist Churches. Her last Sunday at Lafayette Park will be June 13. There will be a big sendoff right after the 9:30 Worship.

From Pastor Sharon Kichline Ordination

Pastor Sharon was also ordained an elder of the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church on Saturday June 5h at the Annual Conference in Springfield Missouri.

Read more on ordination ...

Happy Birthday Pastor Kathleen

From Pastor Kathleen's 50th Birthday Celebration-May 2010

LPUMC began Pastor Kathleen's 50th birthday celebration on Sunday, May 2, by fulfilling a wish of Pastor Kathleen's, to "fill the church". Sharon Domke, Lay Leader, presented Pastor Kathleen with a corsage for her special day.

On Friday, May 7, LPUMC and Centenary gathered together at Centenary for a surprise music celebration from members of both churches.

See photos of the music celebration.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Sunday Worship Time: 9:30 AM

Beginning Sunday June 13th Sunday Worship will begin at 9:30 AM!

After much discussion and prayer we have decided to combine our 8 and 10 AM Sunday Worship into one main event! Thanks to everyone who participated in the process to better server our congregation and reach out to the community. Be sure to set your alarm for the new time beginning June 13th!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Mothers' Day Offering for Festival of Sharing

This Sunday we will be collecting a special offering of items to make baby layettes for new mothers who have been dislocated by natural disasters in Chile and Haiti.

Please bring your contribution to the worship service on May 9th, Mother's Day, in honor or memory of the important women in your life. It has been requested that all items be new and under 12-month in size.

Each layette will need:
  • 6 cloth diapers
  • 2 t-shirts or undershirts
  • 2 washcloths
  • 2 gowns or sleepers
  • 2 diaper pins
  • 1 sweater or sweatshirt
  • 2 receiving blankets (one can be a 3x3 knitted blanket)
The children of the church are invited to help assemble the layettes the following Sunday, May 16th, during Sunday school time, beginning at 9am.

More info on the Festival of Sharing

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Hands In Mission - May 15th

Pencil in Saturday morning, May 15th, to lend your hands in mission. We'll be cleaning, planting, and possibly painting, at The Bridge, a UM Ministry based at Centenary UMC.

We will meet at 8:00am in the parking lot to carpool.

If you missed the event, her are some great photos . . .

Hands In Mission-The Bridge May 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

March For Justice - May 1st

You are invited to join us in a march for immigrant rights on Saturday, May 1 at 11:30 AM., from the America's Center to Kiener Plaza. A rally will include Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, and will focus on concerns of migrant workers, violence against women migrants, family unity (detention and deportation) and racial profiling.

Justice begins with hearing the voice that cries out, but is unable to make persons in power hear them. We have heard their cry, and now have the opportunity to help them be heard. We are guided by our United Methodist Social Principles, which speak to the Rights of Immigrants:

"We affirm the right of all persons to equal opportunities for employment, access to housing, health care, education, and freedom from social discrimination. We urge the church and society to recognize the gifts, contributions, and struggles of those who are immigrants and to advocate for justice for all."

Bishop Minerva Carcano, who leads the UMC Task Force on immigration, will lead the rally. Our Missouri Bishop, Robert Schnase, will also participate. 18th Assembly of United Methodist Women, is taking place at at the America’s Center the same day and will be joining us. We hope to have a strong presence from Lafayette Park United Methodist Church there too!

Carpools will be meet in the LPUMC parking lot Saturday morning, leaving at 10:30 AM. Put it on your calendar now to reserve the date. Call Pastor Sharon with questions at 566-0332.

Overview of UMC Immigration Rights . . .

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

First 2010 Hands In Mission - April 24th

Inspired by the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., LIVE THE DREAM - LIVE UNITED is an inter generational, interfaith, multicultural initiative that engages volunteers throughout the year.

We have been invited to join North Grand Neighborhood Services and Sts. Teresa and Bridget Church on April 24 for the next Day of Service in memory of Dr. King. We will be working in the Jeff Vanderlou Neighborhood, cleaning, and planting flowers.

So, find your work gloves and favorite ole’ t-shirt, and plan now to join a local mission team from Lafayette Park UMC as we work with our North Grand neighbors in making the city beautiful.

Meet at the church at 8:30 to carpool over to Sts. Teresa and Bridget Church. Lunch is provided at noon.

Questions? Contact Chris Kinder at or Pastor Sharon at 566-0332


Photos from the event:

Hands In Misssion-North Grand Neighborhood Services April 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adventures in Faith Begins April 8th

Come join us during this six week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life. We being on Thursday April 8 and conclude on May 13th. We will gather at 6:00 pm for a light shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a devotion and prayer. From 6:45-8:00 pm, you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure. This winter, the four choices are:
  1. Explore our Faith: Personal Devotional Habits
  2. Explore the Word: Bible Study
  3. Exploring Health: Low-impact Fitness Class
  4. Crafts: Bring your knitting, crocheting, or other crafts and visit while you make beautiful things together
Childcare will be provided.

Sign up now by calling the church office at 771-9214, speak to a Pastor, or sign up during worship.

Holy Week Schedule - 2010

Easter time is here and once again we have additional worship services for everyone to take advantage of.

  • Palm Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM - March 28th

  • Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel - April 1st

  • Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM - April 2nd

  • Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt - 10:30AM -April 3rd

Easter Sunday

  • 8AM - Reflections on an Empty Tomb
    This service will offer a contemporary, contemplative experience at the end of the Easter Vigil. It will begin in darkness and grow into the resurrected light and life of Christ.
  • 8:30-9:30 AM - Breakfast
    Please join us in Fellowship Hall
  • 10 AM - An Easter Celebration
    This service will offer a traditional celebration of Easter just briefly reminding us of Good Friday and experiencing Resurrection as we worship.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt and Party! - April 3rd

On Saturday, April 3rd, Lafayette Park UMC is excited to welcome The Easter Bunny, who will be hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

The festivities kick off at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall from which Mr. Bunny will lead the party to the park. Children will be divided into groups according to age for the hunt. After wards guests will follow the Bunny Trail back to the church for photos with the Easter Bunny, games, snacks and special treats. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to all.

We'll be preparing the eggs for the hunt on Sunday March 28th after worship.

For more information, please email Pastor Sharon.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Roast Beef Dinner - Saturday Feb 27th

You will not want to miss the Sprint Roast Beef dinner. This Spring's dinner is a fundraiser for this Fall's Mission trip to Juarez. Enjoy roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and desert; as well as great fellowship. See you in Fellowship Hall on Saturday February 27th, from noon to 7 pm.

Ash Wednesday Service - 2/17/10 7 PM

There will be a combined Ash Wednesday worship service, Ash Wednesday February 17th at Beloved Community UMC at 7pm. Our choir will sing, and Pastor Kathleen will be bringing the message. The church is very near LPUMC, located at 3115 Park. Click on the link below to get driving directions.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Adventures in Faith Begins February 18th

Come join us during this six week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life. We will gather at 6:00 pm for a light shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a devotion and prayer. From 6:45-8:00 pm, you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure. This winter, the four choices are:
  1. Bible Study: The New Testament
  2. Book Study: The Externally Focused Church
  3. Exploring Prayer
  4. Crafts and things (bring your knitting, crocheting, or other crafts and visit while you make beautiful things together)
Childcare will be provided.
Sign up now by calling the church office at 771-9214, speak to a Pastor, or sign up during worship.

All Church Celebration - Sunday Jan. 31st

Join us on Sunday January 31st during Fellowship Time after the 10am Worship Service for a shared meal of hot soup and bread. Our meal will be followed by a celebration of our ministries in 2009 and a conversation about our direction for 2010. All Invited!

Stewardship Banner!

"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of he least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." - Matthew 25:40 (NIV)

On January 17 the Stewardship Committee will introduce to the congregation a new concept in keeping track of our commitment to the many ministries that we support locally, nationally and throughout the world. The WCDANS have made a wonderful banner that will be displayed in the Sanctuary. This will serve as a visual reminder to the congregation of how faithful and committed we are to our many ministries.

The banner has a tree without foliage. Every time 2% of the funds for covering our portion of the cost to support these ministries is achieved, a leaf will be added. It will also serve as a testament to anyone who enters our Sanctuary that we are "...a church without walls, creating a visible sign of Christ's presence in our urban community and beyond."

Our prayer is that this tree will be full of leaves before Advent 2010.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photos of LPUMC at Christmas

Lafayette Park UMC participated in the 2009 Lafayette Square Holiday Parlor Tour. One of our guests took some great photos of the church and the jazz band that was entertaining. Our thanks to Crystal Rolfe.

View all the photos . . .

Monday, January 11, 2010

Family Fun Night - International Winter Holdiay - Jan 16th

This will be our first "Family Fun Night". The theme for this event will be "International Holiday Celebrations". Come learn about different cultures and how they celebrate the holidays. Bring your favorite dish or family traditional dish to share. This is a potluck with the event starting at 6 p.m. with dinner.

  • Do you know where the tradition of the Christmas tree originated?
  • Do you know how Christmas/Holiday cards came to be a normal item in the fabric of our lives? NO it was not Hallmark!
  • What about your own family traditions. do you know why you do certain things, or was it something your parents/grandparents always did?
Join us on Saturday evening January 16th to find our the answers to these questions and so much more.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Schnucks eScrip Community Card = $600

That’s right; purchases at Schnucks in 2008 have resulted in over $600 for LPUMC! Thanks to members and friends taking advantage of the Schnucks eScrip Community Card to raise money for LPUMC.

In case you have missed out on the opportunity to help LPUMC, here is how it works. Schnucks has setup the program to benefit schools, churches and other non-profits. At no cost to you or LPUMC; Schnucks will automatically rebate a percent of your purchases back to LPUMC. All you need to do is present a registered Schnucks eScrip Community Card when you check out. It is that simple.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Pickup a Schnucks eScrip Community Card at the Schnucks Service Desk or the LPUMC church office.
  2. Register the Card at or call (800) 931-6258 (8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., CST, Monday-Friday). Indicate Lafayette Park United Methodist Church – Group ID# 500005538 as your organization.
  3. Show the Card When You Checkout. Remember anyone can pick up a card and designate LPUMC as the charity of their choice! Also, if you already have a card and have designated another organization, you can split your purchases or change the organization by visiting

If you have any questions, please see Chris Finley or check out