Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Children's Programs

It has been a busy month and remember, there will be a family friendly Christmas Eve worship service at 4 PM, everyone is welcome.

You can watch the Children's Christmas Pageant "A Super Hero Christmas on YahooTube:

Here are some photos from Breakfast with Santa and the Pageant:

2012 December Program

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Worship Schedule


Sunday December 16th

9:30 a.m. - Worship and Children's Christmas Program
The highlight of this worship will be the annual Children's Christmas Program, "A Superhero Christmas" - Word on the street is there is a new Superhero in town.

Sunday December 23rd

9:30 a.m. - Worship and Christmas Cantata
This year the Christmas Cantata will feature a collection of songs influenced by the rhythms and sounds of the Appalachian foothills, an undeniable blend of simplicity and strength.  It will be performed as part of Sunday's worship service.

Monday December 24th - Christmas Eve

4:00 p.m. - Family Worship
This service will be an interactive family experience. It will include our carols and will focus on the Journey to Find Jesus, inviting the children to travel around the Sanctuary in search of the baby Jesus.  The children will again be invited to serve Holy Communion.

10:30 p.m. - Music Program
Christmas Cantata: "I Hear the Prophet Callin' " by Pepper Choplin

11:00 p.m. - Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship
This is our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, rich with sacred music provided by the choir, and the sharing of Holy Communion. Worship will conclude at midnight as candlelight is passed to everyone, and the darkened sanctuary is illuminated.

Christmas Pageant - Sunday 12/16

Sunday December 16th

9:30 a.m. - Worship and Children's Christmas Program
The highlight of this worship will be the annual Children's Christmas Program, "A Superhero Christmas" - Word on the street is there is a new Superhero in town.

 (Final Dress Rehearsal - Saturday 12/15 10 am)

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Breakfast With Santa - 12/8

Come Enjoy Our Annual
Saturday December 8th
9:30 to 11:00 AM
LPUMC Fellowship Hall

All families with children birth to 10 years are invited to attend.  No reservations are necessary!  The breakfast menu is:  bagels, cream cheese, peanut butter, jams & jelly, fruit, cookies, juice and milk.  Come and enjoy making crafts and have your child’s picture taken with Santa! 

This is a FREE event, sponsored by the WCDANS.

Advent-Christmas Sermon Series

Every year, we say we’re going to cut back, simplify, and have a family Christmas that focuses on the real reason for the season – Jesus. But every year, advertisements beckon, the children plead, and it seems easier just to indulge our wants and whims. Overspending, overeating, materialism, and busyness rob us of our peace and joy and rob Jesus of his rightful role as the center of our celebration

This Christmas, cut through the hype that leaves you exhausted and broke at the end of the year. Instead, experience the peace of knowing that God is truly with us, the joy of giving sacrificially, and the love of a Savior who gave everything he had for us

Sermon Series:

12/2 - Expect a Miracle
Who is it that brings light to the darkness of the world?

12/9 - Giving Up On Perfect
What does the “perfect” Christmas look like to you?

12/24 - Christmas Eve: Jesus’ Wish List
What does Jesus want for Christmas?

12/31 - By a Different Road
What road have you been walking this past year?

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Turkey Dinner - Nov 10th

Come Enjoy Our Annual


Saturday November 10th
Noon to 7:00 PM
LPUMC Fellowship Hall

The United Methodist Women invite you, your friends and family to our Annual Turkey Dinner and Bazaar this Saturday.   Dinner will be served from noon until 7:00 PM.   Dinner includes, turkey, dressing, potatoes, vegetables, salad, desert and tea and coffee.

Price:  $8 for adults, $2.50 for children under 12 and free for children 5 and under.

In addition to the Turkey Dinner, the Holiday Bazaar and LPUMC Boutique will also be open.  A perfect time to change out your holiday decorations or get a start on your holiday shopping.

Monday, October 01, 2012

New Parsonage in Catembe Mozambique

LPUMC covenant partner Catembe UMC in Mozambique has completed their parsonage.  For the first time since the church was founded the congregation has a home for their pastor.   A few years ago they were able to complete their worship space and move in doors, now the pastor has a place to call home.   

Our continued covenant support of this congregation have literally saved lives by putting food on the table and building shelter for pastor families. In addition, The Initiative provides many other opportunities for ministry, like leadership development, assisting retired pastors, drilling wells and supporting health care.

Lafayette Park United Methodist Church has had a covenant partnership with Catembe UMC in Mozambique since October 2004.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Easter Week Worship & Events - 2012

Easter time is here and once again we have additional worship services for everyone to take advantage of.

  • Palm Sunday - Worship at 9:30 AM - April 1st

  • Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel - April 5th

  • Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM - April 6th

  • Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt - April 7th
  • Easter Sunday - Worship 9:30 AM - April 8th

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Neighborhood Garden Ready to Open March 31

Spring is almost here - it's time to garden! FIRST OFFICIAL WORK DATE SET FOR - SATURDAY MARCH 31st (not the 30th as I mentioned to some of you!!!) 9 AM until Noon.

Thanks to those new members who are interested in our garden. We are excited that our numbers are growing. We will be adding weekdays this year as an added bonus - some persons are only available then. Also, the youth group who participated in the Sweet Potato harvest last fall may spend time in our garden this year as well. Sunday afternoons are also a workday possibility. And, we will be needing a team to do the garden watering - especially as the hot weather approaches. See - we have something for everyone!!!

First - many things need to happen in the garden - a good clean up of beds (we didn't get that all finished last fall) - We have new compost on site and need to top off the beds after they are cleaned out.

There are a few repairs needed to some of our original beds - and the hoses are in need of repair? or replacing. Fred (I think) has agreed to check these out for me ( he repaired one or two last year!!!). We are also hoping to get the water pressure back up like we had at the beginning of last year - we now have half of the pressure which requires that the hoses need to be moved mid-day to get the entire garden watered. And the burms are suffering from an overtaking of Bermuda Grass - And of course the planting of seeds and new plants and then the harvesting of our crops - see there really is something for everyone!

Bell Garden will be open for purchase of plants soon - and the science dept at McKinley is planning a "seed starting" project - so we should have plenty to work with. Also - some seeds do best planted directly in the beds. If there is something you wish to try - we are open to your request.

Enough of my rambling - hope to see you in the garden. And feel free to call if you have ideas, etc.
