Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Biggest Loser - Jan 24th-May 23rd

LPUMC will have its very own version of the Biggest Loser. If you are above your ideal weight for your height and age, have been feeling slow and sluggish and without energy to do the things you want to do with your children, grandchildren, or spouse THEN this is the program for you. Here is how we vision it working:

  1. Program to begin on Thursday, January 24th, with a weigh-in at church and will conclude on May 23rd.

  2. Entry donation of $25.00 due at time of weigh-in. ½ of the total amount received to be donated toward a 2008 apportionment, to be determined by the participants. The more participants, the greater the donation!

  3. Only YOU and one other person will know your weights

  4. All participants will receive an assigned “code” at the time of the weigh-in

  5. Weekly weigh-ins will occur each Thursday evening beginning February 7th between 5:30 and 7:00pm down in the Fellowship Hall.

  6. All participants will have their beginning and weekly weights posted by their assigned “code”.

  7. The participant with the greatest percentage of weight loss at the end of this 16 week period will be awarded the remainder of the entrance fees to either keep or donate, their choice.

  8. At each Thursday’s weigh-in there will be an opportunity to join in a stretching and walking exercise and enjoy a brown-bag dinner with the other contestants. It would be appropriate to share any success stories you have at that time.

NOTE: If you should decide not to complete the program in its’ entirety your entry donation will be forfeited.

If interested, please let us know you will be participating. You may notify Sheryl Smothers either by phone (583-4914) or e-mail no later than January 27, 2008. Wouldn’t it be great to have a new spring in your step and loads of energy?