Sunday, May 04, 2008

YASTA Night (Youth Pasta Night) - May 3rd

When it comes to pitching in, the kids of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church really step up to the plate—the dinner plate, that is. Join them on Saturday, May 3 from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. for YASTA Night in Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church. On that day, the children and youth of the church will be preparing and serving a pasta dinner featuring your choice of lasagna or spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage. Prices are $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for kids under 10. Proceeds will go towards the refurbishment of the bowling alley in the church.

YASTA night is the brainchild of Andy Wilder, son of Pastor Kathleen and Jim Wilder. He created the name (derived from a combination of youth and pasta) and even has a marketing jingle: “YASTA, YASTA, come eat your pasta!” The rap-like rendition he gives it is reflective of the energy that is sure to abound as children as young as five years of age pitch in to cook, serve, sell tickets and clear tables. There will be adult supervision for the event, but it really is the kids who are developing their leadership—and culinary—skills for this evening. This kitchen has room for a few more cooks, so if your child would like to help prepare the food (or serve or clear tables), please call the church office and leave a message, along with your name and contact information, for Pastor Kathleen who will pass along the offer to Chef Andy. If you aren’t able to come help prepare, do try to “YASTA, YASTA, come eat your pasta!”