Sunday, November 23 @ 6 p.m.
The November Church Council Meeting will be on a new date and time and in a new format.
In an effort to help pass the torch from the outgoing committee chairpersons to the incoming chairpersons we’re going to gather on Sunday evening, November 23 at 6 PM for a potluck and transition meeting in Fellowship Hall.
Everyone in the church is invited to attend. It will be a great time to review our accomplishments for 2008 and begin to lay the foundation for our goals in 2009.
We’re asking that our incoming and outgoing chairpersons spend some time together to share with each other the functions and goals of their respective committees between now and the end of the year.
We’ll be sharing more information on the potluck in the Sunday bulletins.
This will be the final Church Council meeting in 2008 so please plan on joining us on Sunday, November 23.
In God’s Peace,
Jeff Jensen, Church Council Chairperson – 2008
Daron Smith, Church Council Chairperson - 2009