Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Eve Schedule - Dec. 24th

4:00 p.m. - Family Worship

This service will be an interactive family experience. It will include our carols and will focus on the Journey to Find Jesus, inviting the children to travel around the Sanctuary in search of the baby Jesus. The children will again be invited to serve Holy Communion.

9:30 p.m. - Fellowship Gathering

A Christmas Eve Fellowship Gathering will begin at LPUMC. Bring your family and friends to meet your church family and share Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.

10:30 p.m. - Music Program

11:00 p.m. - Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship

This is our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, rich with sacred music provided by the choir, and the sharing of Holy Communion. Worship will conclude at midnight as candlelight is passed to everyone, and the darkened sanctuary is illuminated.

Come join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Cantata - Sunday Dec 20th 10 AM

What is a Cantata? It's a composition for one or more voices usually comprising solos, duets, recitatives, and choruses and sung to an instrumental accompaniment that tells a story.

Please join us on Sunday December 20th for our annual Christmas Cantata. Instead of our usual worship, we will turn the entire service over to music. From Joy to the World, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and the Glory of the Lord we'll have a full hour of special Christmas Carols.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Breakfast with Santa - Sat December 12th - 9:30 AM

Saturday, December 12 from 9:30-11:00 a.m.

Children under the age of 10 years and their parents are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast and a visit with Santa.

Fun, food and pictures with Santa will be provided at no cost. Just come and enjoy!
Sponsored by the WCDANS and friends

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kingdom House Christmas Shop

Look for the Christmas trees in the hallways leading into the sanctuary. These trees are decorated with a wish list that has been provided from Kingdom House for their Christmas Shop.

The Kingdom House Christmas Shop serves needy families from the urban area through offering parents an opportunity to come and select age-appropriate gifts and clothing for their children from tables laden with new, unwrapped gifts and good clothing (new and used). Then mom or dad receive wrapping paper and ribbons, so they can lovingly prepare each gift and set them under the tree for their children. It's not just a gift for the child, but a gift of respect for the parent who is assisted in being the gift-giver.

We are collecting items for delivery on Friday, December 11th so they can get ready to distribute them. There is a large box next to each tree to place your donations.

On the back of the wish list is a list of times that they also need volunteers to help with the gift shop. If you have any time available, they would love the extra hands.

Thank you in advance for your extravagant generosity!

For more on Kingdom House>>

Progressive Dinner - Nov 14th

Come join us for a delicious dinner sponsored by the LPUMC Men’s Group on November 14th.

The tickets are $20 per person, and you can reserve your space now with an RSVP to Daron Smith or Jim Wilder. Proceeds will go to support our covenants with our sisters and brothers in Mozambique. Childcare will be provided at the church from 6 PM until 9 PM.

Walking Home . . . A Walk in Solidarity to End Homelessness - Nov 14th

Gather with those yearning to end homelessness in St. Louis.

When: Saturday, November 14 at 10am
Where: The Bridge, located at Centenary United Methodist Church
What: A Walk in Solidarity so wear your walking shoes…

The annual Walking Home event to be held this year on Saturday, November 14. If you walked last year, you may have had the opportunity to talk with a guest of The Bridge (then Centenary CARES) and have your eyes--and your heart--opened to the reality of homelessness in a way that no news story or compilation of statistics can do. There is no reservation required. Please bring as many friends and family members as are interested. There is no fee; we merely ask for a goodwill donation that will be used to fund The Bridge ministry.

Please join others in helping to increase awareness of the situation of those who are trying to find their way home.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Turkey Dinner - Saturday Nov.7

The annual Turkey Dinner and Holiday Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday November 7 from Noon until 7 PM. Stop by for lunch or dinner or in between. For $7 you'll be treated to turkey, dressing, potatoes, veggies, a desert and tea or coffee! Best deal in town!

Fellowship Hall is located in the lower level of the church. You can enter through the handicap entrance on Lafayette Ave. or through the side parking lot.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Operacion HOGAR VIM Team Returns!

Our Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team from Lafayette Park U.M.C. just returned from building a house in Juarez, Mexico for Operacion HOGAR. It was a wonderful week of sharing with our neighbors in Mexico. Despite all of the media blitzes reporting escalating violence in Mexico, we experienced the same warmth, hospitality and feeling of security and safety that we have always known in our travels there.

As we planned our trip, we considered the dangers and risks that we are sure many of you have also considered. We contacted our host, Jose Ramos. He assured us that the problems in Mexico occur with drugs and gangs, but that there would be no risk in the area where we were working or at the mission house. We did have a wonderful trip and a very meaningful experience during our week. We walked to and from the marketplace, the ice cream shop and bakery just as always.

When we were first introduced to the family for whom we were building a house, my first feeling was one of joy that we had gone forth with our planning. Jose informed us that we were only the 4th team that had come to Juarez this year. Normally he greets 40 teams each year. It was difficult to know that Jose and our maestros have had almost no work this year, and that the families waiting for safe shelter have been put on hold indefinitely.

My purpose for writing this letter is to inform you of our experience in Juarez last week and hopefully encourage your church to consider taking a team to Operacion HOGAR or sending funding to have a house built by the maestros. The future of Operacion HOGAR is at serious risk. It is too valuable a ministry to ignore on account of fear generated by sensationalism by the media.

Please prayerfully consider your continued support to Volunteers in Mission and Operacion HOGAR. I would be happy to assist your team or any interested individuals with planning for a trip or answer any questions that you might have.

In Christ,

Nancy Thuer
Missouri Project Coordinator, Operacion HOGAR

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Youth Trivia Night 2009 - Oct. 17th

Are you Smarter than a Youth?

Who: The Gospel Rockers (Youth Group), Lafayette Park United Methodist Church

What: Trivia Night 2009

When: 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, October 17th - Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Where: Fellowship Hall, 2300 Lafayette Avenue, St.Louis, Mo 63104

Sponsors: The Gospel Rockers (Youth Group) of LPUMC

Cost: $10 each seat or $80 for a table

Info: (314) 602-0318

Details: Reserve a table for this fun and “youthful” event. Questions will cover high school topics from geography, math, literature and even the 3-R’s. Come and join other adults to relive your high school years and see if you still remember things you learned as a youth.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Trivia starts at 7 p.m. Cost is $10.00 a person or $80.00 per table. Soda and popcorn are included, while supplies last. To reserve a table or for more information, contact Chad Johnson, Youth Director by calling 314.602.0318 or e-mail:
Additionally, a silent auction will be available and mulligan’s will be for sale.

This event is an adult only event. This fundraiser supports activities of the Youth Group in the area of missions, conferences, service projects and just fun.

Come to the Pumpkin Patch!

Enjoy the Straw Maze!
Pick out the BEST Pumpkin!
October 10-31
Mon-Sat - 10:00am to 6:00pm
Sunday - Noon to 6:00pm

Special Events -
Saturday October 17th

Bring your 4-footed, furry friends to the Patch!

To schedule the Patch for a class or group, call Pastor Sharon at 771-9214, ext 20.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Book of the Month Club - Oct. 19th

A new opportunity to grow in your personal and church leadership skills will begin on October 19.
This year, Pastor Kathleen will start a new leadership development opportunity.  We will meet one Monday evening a month to discuss a book we have read that month.  We will discuss the interesting things we have learned by reading the book and how we can use some of the information to strengthen and grow our ministry to the city of St. Louis.
This will require a commitment to read eight different books and to meet eight times between October and May.  We will also have an all-day retreat part of the way through the year to brainstorm and plan how we will implement what we have learned at the church.

We will meet at Pastor Kathleen’s home from 6 – 8:30 p.m. on those evenings; food and childcare will be provided.  Please contact Pastor Kathleen for more information and to let her know how many to plan for. The eight books have been carefully chosen by Pastor Kathleen. October’s book is How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Donald Clifton.

Sunday School Begins - September 13th

We will kick off our new year in Christian formation for our children and youth on September 13. Please plan to bring your family to church at 9 a.m. to experience the stories of our faith through multi-sensory learning.

Youth Movie Review
Do you like to watch movies that make you think? Mid-high and Senior-high kids are invited to come to the new Movie Review. Meet in the Chapel downstairs. Bring your eyes, your brain, & your appetite!

Stories of Faith for Our Children
As our kids return to school, and our children and youth will learn great new things, how important that we continue to teach them the stories of our faith, too.

We’ll sing some, dance some, paint some, and pray some. This will be a multigenerational experience with kids of all ages. You are welcome to come and experience the stories of our faith!

Questions or want to get involved? Contact Pastor Sharon or Debra Crowe.

Adventures in Faith Begins Sept. 17th

Starting September 17, we will begin a new series of small groups to enable us to learn, develop relationships, and grow in our faith. We will meet for six weeks on Thursday evenings. We will have a light supper available at 6 p.m. to make it easier for people coming from work. At 6:30, we will share a common devotion and prayer time. Then, from 6:45-8 p.m., you can choose to participate in one small group faith adventure for your personal growth.

Choose one of these small groups:
  • Basic Bible
  • Adult Confirmation/New Member Class
  • Enough – Living Simply in a complex world
You will find a sign-up board in the sanctuary, so please let us know where your interests lie so that we can have the appropriate study guides for you. Or you can email a pastor or call the church office at 772-9214. Child care will be provided.

Welcome New Staff Members!

We welcome Maria Lawrence as our new Church Secretary. Maria is a familiar face here at LPUMC. Maria’s daughter and son-in-law, Alicia and Chris Greene and their children, Elena, Jack, and Mimi are long-time members, and Maria and Charlie have joined them in worship with us on many occasions. Maria brings to us her extensive experience in business and office work. We are so pleased to have her with us. Her hours are Monday through Friday, 9am-noon. Come by and see her!

We welcome Latoya Thompson (left) and Mary Claire Kondro (right) to LPUMC. These ladies will be providing childcare for our children as we worship, participate in meetings, and on Thursday evenings during Adventures in Faith.

They both come to us with much experience and enthusiasm. Latoya has worked with Girl Scouts of America, providing seminars to promote self esteem and ways to prevent bullying. Mary Claire works with students at the Judevine Center for Autism, supporting individuals in learning life skills. Please offer your greeting as they settle into the life of the church.

We have a new ministry intern from Eden Seminary. Aaron Ban will be joining us, focusing on growing our young adult ministry and helping us build a connection between our church and St. Louis University. For the last year Aaron has been an intern at our sister ministry The Bridge. To read more on Aaron's current fellowship at the Eden website.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Operation HOGAR - Juarez Mexico October 2009

Mission to Mexico - October 3-9, 2009

Are you interested in a volunteer opportunity to help build a home for a family in Mexico? Contact Team Leader Nancy Thuer . The trip is sponsored by the Missouri Office of Creative Ministries UMC and Lafayette Park United Methodist Church. This effort is part of the ministry of the Missouri United Methodist Conference.

Adventures in Faith study begins Sept 17th

Adventures in Faith begin on September 17! This is a six-week series to learn, develop relationships, and grow in your faith life.

Each Thursday evening starting September 17, we will gather at 6:00 p.m. for a light, shared supper and fellowship. At 6:30, we will share a common devotion and prayer time. From 6:45 – 8:00, you can choose from a small group faith adventure experience to participate in. There will be three choices this fall: Basic Bible, Adult Confirmation, and Enough – living simply in a complex world. Childcare will be provided. Please save the date now!

Rock the River Music Tour - August 2

Thousands of St. Louis youth are expected to take part in the Rock the River Music Tour. It's a high-energy, outdoor concert featuring popular Christian bands performing in ventures along the Mississippi.

Date: August 2, 2009
Time: 2:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Place: Under the Arch

For more details contact Pastor Sharon

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hands In Mission at Shalom House - July 25

On Saturday, July 25th, we will be gathering to go over to Shalom House and do some things there with and for the residents. Shalom House offers short-term shelter and support (classes, internet access, meals, spiritual guidance, and health care) for women who need help getting their feet back on the ground. There is also a transitional program for those who are making good progress in moving toward becoming self-sufficient again.

The three projects are:

  1. Painting a room
  2. Mowing the lawn, trimming, and weeding the flower beds
  3. Cooking up a hot brunch and serving it to the ladies.

If you are able to bring a mower, please let me know. Their mower broke at the beginning of the summer, and they have been just getting by week by week until a new one is donated. I have a weed-wacker that can also be used for trimming the sides of the building.

If you are interested in being part of the brunch team, please let me know. We would be feeding 10-15 people, and can use the kitchen, but will need to figure out what to serve, and where and how to get the ingredients.

We will meet at LPUMC at 7:45 and car pool over! Hope to see you with HIM!

Pastor Sharon

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Youth Mission Trip - July 12-16th 2009

Destination: The rural community of Theodosia, Missouri
Location: South central MO, on shore of Bull Shoals
Host: Theodosia UMC. We’ll bring bedrolls and air mattresses and sleep on the floor. We will use the church kitchen, and shower at the YMCA
Project: Tornado cleanup
Purpose: To go deeper with God through serving God’s people
Fun Day: Thursday: ½ day float trip and picnic. Bring fishing poles
Cost: We’ll have fundraisers to cover the cost of our groceries and traveling expenses. The float trip will cost approx. $20 per person. Everybody needs to participate in the fundraiser.
Spending $: No more than $20, please
Chaperones: Pastor Sharon, Joel Kichline, and Cami Bisch
Questions: Call Pastor Sharon at 314/566-0332 or email

Mission Meeting: July 2 @ 7pm LPUMC Fellowship Hall
(Youth required to be in attendance with a parent)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Shack & The Bible - Wednesdays in July

There has been such a buzz about William Paul Young’s book, The Shack in both community and church circles. Come join us around the table in a relaxed forum to discuss and share.

  • When: The five Wednesday evenings of July
  • Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
  • Where: LPUMC Fellowship Hall
  • Who: Adults and teens
  • Q&A: Contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332 or

Visitors, family, and friends welcome. Childcare will be available. Please read the book before the first gathering. If you need a book, contact Pastor Sharon, and she will reserve you a paperback.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

PrideFest 2009 - June 27 & 28

Once again, LPUMC will have a booth at the annual gay and lesbian PrideFest in Tower Grove Park. This is an outreach event for our congregation. We want the GLBT community to know:

As a people of faith, we recognize the diversity of people created in the image of God.
As a congregation, we welcome people of any age, gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, health status and any element of humanity created by God.

As usual there will be representatives of other churches near the park spreading a different message. We hope to be a positive force at PrideFest. We will be sharing information about the ministries we have here at LPUMC and inviting anyone who is interested to stop by for a visit.

If there is enough interest we will also walk in the “Grand Parade” on Sunday at noon. We would like everyone who can take a few hours on Sunday to join us for the walk down South Grand. It is important that we a good representation of our congregation to make sure the community understands that we really are a welcoming congregation.

What can you do?
  • Volunteer to staff the booth in the park on Saturday or Sunday (11-7); 2 volunteers per shift, 2 hour shifts, starting at 11, 1, 3 and 5
  • Walk in the Grand Parade on Sunday
  • Drive a shuttle from or back to church to the Grand Parade for our walkers on Sunday morning.
We will have an orientation meeting on Sunday June 14 at 11:15 a.m. If you have not been part of PrideFest before or just want to encourage others, stop by for the latest information.

Look for sign-up sheets every Sunday in June and for updates on the Yahoo Group. If you have any questions or to volunteer, contact Chris Finley.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

LYRA Russian Choral Ensemble Free Concert - May 30th

LYRA, a Russian Choral Ensemble and Lafayette Park United Methodist Church are proud to announce a concert featuring Russian Folk Music plus contemporary pieces from the 18th - 20th centuries.

Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Lafayette Park United Methodist
This is a Free concert and all are welcome

LYRA is a community of professional musicians most of whom are students or graduates of the St. Petersburg Conservatory and sing in churches and musical theaters throughout that city. Though members of LYRA represent different musical professions: choral conductors, opera singers,instrumentalists, music teachers, it is their passion for ensemble singing that unites them.

The choral community LYRA includes 25 people, but due to the logistics of international touring, they perform in smaller groups of soloists. Their Spring 2009 Midwest Tour will bring an ensemble of 3 men and 2 women to 5 states - IL, WI, MN, IA, MO - where they will present over 30 concerts in April - early June.

LYRA's main goal is exploring and popularizing Russian choral music from the ancient songs of the Orthodox Church to works of little-known, but remarkable composers of the 18th-20th centuries. The well-known masters: Bortniansky, Tchesnokov, Gretchaninov and Tchaikovsky are well represented. Folk songs of lyric, dancing and ritual nature are performed not only in the composer's original arrangements, but those of LYRA's as well. Secular songs of Russian classical composers Taneev, Tchaikovsky, and Rakhmaninov represent yet another side of LYRA's creative activity.

LYRA first appeared in concert in I994. In recent years they have performed not only in Russia but regularly all around Western Europe, Scandinavian Countries and The United States. Through their tours, they introduce the enormous musical heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as traditions of Russian folk music to people having an interest in Russian history and culture. In 2001 LYRA was awarded the Montreux (Switzerland) International Choral Festival diploma. In 2005 the group was also a winner of Coleraine International Choral Festival (Northern Ireland).

In addition to stage performances LYRA have recorded several CDs. The CDs will be available after the performance.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

UMC Habitat for Humanity - Fall 2009

UMC Habitat for Humanity builds this summer

Lafayette Park UMC will partner with other United Methodist churches in St. Louis on a Habitat-build off North Grand. No particular expertise is required, but you must be 18 or older to participate. This will be a great opportunity to meet and work with other United Methodists in our city and to help someone build a new home for their family. The work day typically lasts from 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

LPUMC is invited to bring 4-8 persons to each of these four dates:

  • August 8th

  • August 29th

  • October 3rd

  • October 17th

If you are interested in participating, please contact Chris Kinder or Pastor Sharon at or 566-0332 to sign up.

Hands in Mission - Summer 2009!

Something new is coming . . .

WHAT? Hands in Mission (H.I.M.) will provide teams of workers to be sent into our local mission field to serve local projects and further develop relationships with existing Methodist agencies. The purpose of these opportunities is to nurture personal relationships with staff, volunteers and clients, and to make a difference in our community by assisting with unbudgeted maintenance tasks.

Typically, we will form workgroups within our multi-aged project team and work side-by-side with other volunteers/staff to perform the tasks at hand. During our time at the worksite, we will tour the facility and learn about the services that our host provides.

WHEN? Hands In Mission will usually take place one Saturday morning a month from 8:00 until noon, or whatever part of the morning works into your schedule. We will do three H.I.M.’s this summer, from June through August.

WHY? Because as part of the body of Christ, we are invited to be Christ’s hands in our community, to do his work of building, healing, and loving.

Dates for upcoming H.I.M. Opportunities
Saturday, June 13th Centenary Cares
Saturday, July 25th Shalom House
Saturday, August 22nd TBA

Questions? Contact Jason Stokes, Chris Kinder, or Pastor Sharon

Vacation Bible School! - June 15-19

Join our Beach Party
Vacation Bible School!
June 15-19
from 6-8:30 p.m.

Children, youth, and adults are welcome!
New this year: Adult VBS group

Local Hands-on Mission: Solomon’s Project

May 30, 2009 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Find your work gloves and favorite ole’ t-shirt, and plan now to join a mission team from Lafayette Park UMC to work on a local building project through the Solomon Project.

Solomon Project is organized through our neighbors at North Grand Neighborhood Services (NGNS). They rehab older homes and buildings that have fallen into significant disrepair, and might even have been condemned. One by one by one, this organization, supported by corporate, non-for-profits, and private sponsors, has transformed derelict buildings into beautiful and affordable housing.

Depending on the team size, we may have smaller groups painting, cleaning up the worksite, dry-walling, etc, but there will be something for everyone to do.

Lunch will be provided on the worksite.

NGNS also welcomes financial support for their projects. Every penny received is passed on as savings to the prospective home owner.

Any questions? Contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332 or Jason Stokes. For more information, you can also check out

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cajun Dinner - April 25

Our second annual Cajun Dinner to benefit Volunteers in Mission will be held on Saturday, April 25. The Chefs Merle and Heugatter will cover the cooking again!. Mark your calendars to come enjoy some incredible food. This is the best Cajun food north of New Orleans!

Earth Day Tree Planting - April 19

On Sunday morning April 19, LPUMC will be planting a tree between the 8 and 10 AM worship services. Bring you gloves and join us at 9:30 Sunday morning to plant a tree!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Annual Spring Book Fair - April 17 & 18th

On April 17 and 18, peruse the wide variety of titles at the United Methodist Women’s annual book sale. Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday in the lower level of the church. Plan to arrive early for the best selection.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Holy Week Schedule - March 2009

Easter time is here and once again we have additional worship services for everyone to take advantage of.

The week of March 5 Special Worship Services:

  • Palm Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM

  • Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel

  • Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM

  • Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt (10:30PM see below!)

Easter Sunday - Worship

  • 8AM - Reflections on an Empty Tomb
    This service will offer a contemporary, contemplative experience at the end of the Easter Vigil. It will begin in darkness and grow into the resurrected light and life of Christ.

  • 10 AM - An Easter Celebration
    This service will offer a traditional celebration of Easter just briefly reminding us of Good Friday and experiencing Resurrection as we worship.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Invitation Sunday - March 29

If you have felt a tug on your heart to go deeper in your relationship with God through Lafayette Park United Methodist Church, God may be calling you to become a member. On Sunday March 29 we will invite all those who are interested in membership to come forward together and be received as new members.

If you are interested, call Pastor Sharon at 566-0332

Easter Egg Hunt and Party! - April 11

On Saturday, April 11, Lafayette Park UMC is excited to welcome The Easter Bunny, who will be hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The festivities kick off at 12:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall from which Mr. Bunny will lead the party to the park. Children will be divided into groups according to age for the hunt, which will start at 1:00. Afterwards, guests will follow the Bunny Trail back to the church for photos with the Easter Bunny, games, snacks and special treats. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to all.

For more information, please email Eric & Robin Merle at

The Biggest Loser is back at LPUMC!

LPUMC will have its very own version of the Biggest Loser. If you are above your ideal weight for your height and age, have been feeling slow and sluggish and without energy to do the things you want to do with your children, grandchildren, or spouse, then this is the program for you. Here is how we envision it working:

  1. Program to begin on Thursday, March 19, with a weigh-in at church and will conclude on May 17.

  2. Entry donation of $25 due at time of weigh-in. Half of the total amount received will be donated toward a 2009 apportionment, to be determined by the participants. The more participants, the greater the donation!

  3. Only YOU and one other person will know your weights.

  4. All participants will receive an assigned “ code ” at the time of the weigh-in.

  5. Weekly weigh-ins will occur each Thursday evening beginning March 26 between 5:30-7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

  6. All participants will have their beginning and weekly weights posted by their assigned “ code ” .

  7. 7. The participant with the greatest percentage of weight loss at the end of this eight week period will be awarded the remainder of the entrance fees to either keep or donate (their choice).
At each Thursday ’ s weigh-in, there will be an opportunity to join in a stretching and walking exercise and enjoy a brown-bag dinner with the other contestants. It would be appropriate to share any success stories at that time. NOTE: If you do not complete the program, your entry donation will be forfeited. If interested, please let us know. You may notify Sheryl Smothers either by phone (583-4914) or e-mail

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MacMurry College Choir - March 8

The MacMurry College Chior under the direction of Terri Benz ('83) will perform during the 10 AM Worship Service on Sunday March 8th.

The chior performs sacred and secular works from Bach to Gershwin. It will be an exciting worship experience.

Fundraiser for Mozambique Initiative - Mar 14

As a part of the Mozambique Initiative Team for the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church, Brenda Cook has an amazing opportunity to be part of the leadership delegation to Mozambique in August 2009. On March 14, 3:30-5:30, Brenda Cook will be hosting a “girls night out” at Looking Glass Designs located in the historic Lafayette Square area as a fundraiser for this ministry. You are invited to shop for beautiful boutique items, home decor and customized gifts. The Looking Glass Designs specializes in handbags and totes for adults and children. All of the guests will receive a special monogrammed attendance gift and 20% of the profit will be donated to my Mozambique mission trip.

Andrea Heugatter who is also a member of Lafayette Park UMC owns the Looking Glass Designs shop. The shop is located at 1410 S. 18th Street. Please join us and become a part of the Mozambique ministry. If you cannot attend but would like to assist in this mission, donations can be made through Lafayette Park UMC, attention Mozambique.

When: March 14, 3:30-5:30
Where: Looking Glass Designs - 1410 S. 18th Street
Please RSVP by March 6, 2009
For more on the Mozambique Initiative visit

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Shawn Thomas Concert - Feb 20 7 PM

"Aaron's Rainbow Project" (ARP) and Lafayette Park United Methodist Church are proud to announce contemporary Christian singer Shawn Thomas in concert.

He will be performing songs off his award winning recordings, as well as his newest praise and worship CD entitled "Worship & Desperation".

Date: Friday, February 20, 2009
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Lafayette Park United Methodist Church
2300 Lafayette AvenueSt Louis, MO 63104

This is a Free concert and all are welcome.

Shawn will also be part of the Sunday morning worship services at 8 AM and 10 AM on Sunday, February 22, 2009.

About Shawn Thomas
His 2003 CD, "Everything I Am", peaked online Top 40 and Top 20 charts for over 14 months, including the number one singles, "The Beat of the Lord" and "Starting Over Again".

The CD, "Changed", received a nomination for the 2006 OutMusic awards as Outstanding New Inspirational Recording, and features the driving title track and an upbeat cover of Amy Grant's "What About the Love".

"Faith Unashamed" (a double disc special edition release) received a nomination for 2007 Production/Producer of the year from the Pride in the Arts Awards. "Faith Unashamed" has stayed in the top ten CD/albums on the Top 40 for over a year.

Awarded "Best Independent Songwriter" by the 2004 Indie Awards and labeled as "groovin'"..."wholesome"...and "inspirational" by Pride Christian Music, Shawn continues to develop his music career in a new direction of spirituality and ministry. "I actually resisted writing Contemporary Christian type music in the past because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to still perform the style of music that I enjoy." That style of music, as featured on Shawn's new CD, "Worship & Desperation", includes a wide variety from traditional ballads, to praise music, to pop/rock.
With a minister as his father and a very talented musician as his mother, Shawn's ministry through ARP is the natural combination of his musical and spiritual influences. Pursuing his talents in many directions including songwriting, production, dance and choreography, Shawn Thomas emerges not only as a competent performer and singer, but as a dynamic and versatile entertainer and presenter. His intention is to share the message of practicing the principles of Love and Grace in order to build unity, understanding, and acceptance.

"Everything I Am", "Changed", "Faith Unashamed", and "Worship & Desperation" are available for sale on popular internet sites including,,,,, and, and is distributed by Aaron's Rainbow Project and Shawn Thomas Studios, West Palm Beach, FL.

For more information on Shawn Thomas and his ministry, visit and