Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Youth Mission Trip - July 12-16th 2009

Destination: The rural community of Theodosia, Missouri
Location: South central MO, on shore of Bull Shoals
Host: Theodosia UMC. We’ll bring bedrolls and air mattresses and sleep on the floor. We will use the church kitchen, and shower at the YMCA
Project: Tornado cleanup
Purpose: To go deeper with God through serving God’s people
Fun Day: Thursday: ½ day float trip and picnic. Bring fishing poles
Cost: We’ll have fundraisers to cover the cost of our groceries and traveling expenses. The float trip will cost approx. $20 per person. Everybody needs to participate in the fundraiser.
Spending $: No more than $20, please
Chaperones: Pastor Sharon, Joel Kichline, and Cami Bisch
Questions: Call Pastor Sharon at 314/566-0332 or email

Mission Meeting: July 2 @ 7pm LPUMC Fellowship Hall
(Youth required to be in attendance with a parent)