Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Eve Service Schedule

4:00 p.m. - Family Worship

This service will be an interactive family experience. It will include our Children and Youth Choir and will focus on the Journey to Find Jesus, inviting the children to travel around the Sanctuary in search of the baby Jesus. The children will again be invited to serve Holy Communion.

9:30 p.m. - Fellowship Gathering

A Christmas Eve Fellowship Gathering will begin at LPUMC. Bring your family and friends to meet your church family and share Christmas cookies and hot chocolate.

10:30 p.m. - Music Program

11:00 p.m. - Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship

This is our traditional Candlelight Christmas Eve Worship, rich with sacred music provided by the choir, and the sharing of Holy Communion. Worship will conclude at midnight as candlelight is passed to everyone, and the darkened sanctuary is illuminated.

Come join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Decorate the UMW Mitten Tree

The United Methodist Women invite you to bring in your new (all sizes) hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and thick socks to decorate the Mitten Tree in the Sanctuary this December. The clothing will be divided between Kingdom House and the children at Sigel Elementary School (Sigel asked for socks because there are many children who come to school without socks throughout the winter).

Invitation to Confirmation!

Many of us were baptized as babies. As part of the service, our parents made public professions of faith on our behalf. As young persons reaching the age of accountability, we are ready to take more responsibility for our own faith. Confirmation is a call to discipleship, a call to claim the name “Christian” for ourselves. It may also involve the Sacrament of Baptism for those who have yet to receive it.

Those persons currently enrolled in seventh through ninth grade (though those parameters are flexible) are invited to begin this Confirmation journey together. Through a series of 8 mid-week gatherings and some field trip experiences (yeah-Road Trip!), we will explore the Christian faith, United Methodism, and our own church, Lafayette Park UMC. We will foster our faith through sharing and learning together, the practice of spiritual disciplines, and participating in the wider community of faith.

If you are interested in taking the Confirmation journey this year, contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332 or lpassociate@sbcglobal.net. We will begin in January.

Coat Drive!

We are again collecting clean and repaired coats (for all ages) for those who are in need of a warm coat to wear during the winter months. If you have a coat to share, drop it in the box in Fellowship Hall downstairs. They will be shared with the guests at Cares Outreach, our United Methodist outreach to the homeless in our urban community.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Stories from Walking Home - Nov. 8 2008

by Debra Crowe

When I was in college, a group of friends convinced me to go camping. I agreed, as much as anything, so they would stop asking. I’m not the camping type. I don’t like dirt. I don’t like bugs. I don’t like summer without air conditioning. And I don’t like starting the day without my morning shower. They were so sure that, once I tried it, I’d come to appreciate the great outdoors. I didn’t think so, but I did figure that, once I’d tried it, they would see that it wasn’t for me and they would leave me alone. So I went camping.

Saturday night, it rained. Sunday morning, what had the night before been six people squeezed sardine-like into one tent was a mad tangle of arms, legs and other people’s blankets. The closest bathroom was enough distant that, unless we were desperate, even the girls looked for a suitable dense stand of bushes. It was quite an experience; one that, in the many years since, I’ve never felt the desire to revisit. I prefer the comfort of my sofa and my bed; the coziness of my kitchen; and the freshness of my tiled bathroom. And I am so very lucky to have the choice.

For the 1322 homeless in Saint Louis, living on the street, or in a park, or beneath a bridge offers little to no comfort. Their beds consist of a cardboard box and whatever blanket they may have been able to acquire. Food comes from neighborhood churches or shelters. Showers are a little harder to come by. The cold and wet of winter and the suffocating heat and humidity of Midwest summers are realities they have no choice but to endure.

For most of us, the plight of the homeless is beyond our true understanding. It’s like so many other things that, not having experienced it first-hand, we can’t comprehend. On Saturday, November 8, I got just a little taste of it.

Walking Home was an event sponsored by, and for the benefit of, Centenary CARES, an outreach ministry of Centenary United Methodist Church. Located at 1610 Olive Street, CARES is a daily drop-in center for individuals and families who are homeless and hungry. The first in what is planned to be an annual event, the purpose of the walk was to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness and to increase understanding of what it really means to be without a home—without clothing appropriate for the season—without money for medical care—without food.

On the morning of the walk, I stood in front of my hall closet trying to decide which pair of gloves to wear. On Saturday’s walk, I met a couple who were sharing one pair of gloves. During the current economic crisis in our country, there are many who have curtailed their spending by dining out less frequently or cutting back on vacations. On the walk, I met those who depend on the kindness of others for food and have no jobs from which to take a vacation. Many of us have complained that “I have nothing to wear!” when what we really mean is that we’d like something new. For members of St. Louis’ homeless population, their wardrobe consists of the clothes they’re wearing at the time.

The walk commenced at Centenary UMC, covered several city blocks, and ended back at the church. The participants were a mix of those who support the efforts of CARES and those who benefit from its services. I happened to fall into step beside a man named Lamonte. Lamonte was pleasant and friendly, and we ended up talking our way through the streets of downtown. I learned that he was relatively new to his situation, four months homeless. A veteran, Lamonte has worked mainly in warehouses, shipping and receiving. While grateful for the services offered by CARES and other programs, he wishes desperately for work and combs through all available information looking for a job. When I asked if he had family, he told me that he does have relatives living in the area, and that they help when they can, but that their own circumstances are such that they have very little extra that can be shared. He recently learned that one of his brothers is also living on the street. Lamonte shared willingly with me, hoping that it might help those who are unaware of situations like his to better understand; to realize that there are people living on the street who would desperately like to change their situation, if only they could. If only they could get a job. If only someone would offer them an opportunity to make a change.

When we returned to the church at the end of the walk, I sat at a table in the dining room where, since opening their doors in November, 2005, CARES has served over 213,000 meals to over 177,000 people. There I met Lamonte’s partner, Bobbie. Bobbie has a unique work history; experienced in auto repair and cooking! Like Lamonte, she is looking hard for a job. Currently, she’s registered with a temp agency and is hoping that the upcoming holiday season will bring greater opportunity in the culinary field. When we spoke, however, she had been called for only one job in the previous two weeks. I asked Bobbie what she would like people to know about being homeless. “Respect,” she answered. “I’d like people to know that, just because I don’t have a home right now, that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve the respect they’d give anyone else.” She then told me that, immediately following one job interview, she remembered a question she’d forgotten to ask. When she reentered the office she had just left, she saw her job application being torn up. “If they weren’t going to even consider me, why did they interview me? It’s insulting—and it’s very bad for self-esteem.”

I’m sure that my one afternoon’s foray into the world of the homeless living in St. Louis doesn’t give me a real taste of what it’s like to be a member of that community. Unless a person has lived it, I don’t see how it’s possible to really know how it feels to be without a home. When I decided to participate in the walk, I didn’t have any expectations. As someone who is blessed in many ways, I just felt that I should join the event; should, as the literature promoting it stated: Walk in their shoes. Share their story. Change our world. What I found, talking to Lamonte and Bobbie, were a couple who are both valiantly dealing with their current circumstances and desperately trying to change them; who gratefully accept the help offered them while hoping for the opportunity to help themselves; who hope that sharing their story with others will help people to understand that, though currently out of work, they’re working hard to reclaim their independence.

The mission statement of Centenary CARES reads: “Centenary CARES Outreach provides sanctuary for homeless and at-risk persons in St. Louis. Meals and support services for basic human needs are offered by a staff intent on eradicating homelessness by guiding guests on a path to self-sufficiency.” If you would like more information on the program, please contact Lu Oros at 314-238-4056

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Church Council – Leadership Team Transition Meeting

Sunday, November 23 @ 6 p.m.

The November Church Council Meeting will be on a new date and time and in a new format.

In an effort to help pass the torch from the outgoing committee chairpersons to the incoming chairpersons we’re going to gather on Sunday evening, November 23 at 6 PM for a potluck and transition meeting in Fellowship Hall.

Everyone in the church is invited to attend. It will be a great time to review our accomplishments for 2008 and begin to lay the foundation for our goals in 2009.

We’re asking that our incoming and outgoing chairpersons spend some time together to share with each other the functions and goals of their respective committees between now and the end of the year.

We’ll be sharing more information on the potluck in the Sunday bulletins.

This will be the final Church Council meeting in 2008 so please plan on joining us on Sunday, November 23.

In God’s Peace,

Jeff Jensen, Church Council Chairperson – 2008
Daron Smith, Church Council Chairperson - 2009

HIV and AIDS: Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence

Liz Williams-Chaffin, LPUMC’s Eden Seminary Student Pastor Intern, will be leading three sessions of the Sunday morning adult education class in November on HIV and AIDS and the Church. The sessions will be held from 9:00 to 9:50 AM on November 9, 16, and 23 in the sitting room/library. All are welcome and invited to attend any one or all of the sessions. Liz will draw from many resources, but participants who would like to use a book as part of their participation are commended to Donald Messer’s Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence: Christian Churches and the Global AIDS Crisis, widely available in local and online bookstores. Liz will also bring a few copies from the Eden Bookstore to each class for purchase at $12.00 each. Please be aware that this class will engage participants in conversations on difficult subject matter, which will require everyone’s care and sensitivity.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rummage Sale - Oct 3rd & 4th


FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd from 8am to 3pm


Remember, Saturday is also our $1.00 a bag day.
Thank you.
LPUMC United Methodist Women

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reading Mentors - Fall 2008

We have another opportunity to be engaged in helping kids learn how to read better, and to be "encouragers" of their self confidence in school and in life. When Principal Vasilika Tsichlis was here from Hodgens Elementary School, she invited us to become part of the H.E.A.R.T.s Program (Hodgen's Excellent Academic Reading Tutors).

Their goal is to find a tutor to mentor every second and third grader. Mentoring happens on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10:15am-10:45am, or 11:50am-12:20pm. Training will be provided and each student will have materials to work on with their tutor.

There are currently four folks from LPUMC that are planning to become mentors. If you would like to join us, contact Pastor Sharon at 566-0332. I fully expect it to be an amazing blessing for us as God's Spirit flows through us to nurture our neighbors' children.

Pastor Sharon

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Capital Campaign Launched

The trustees would like to announce that we are beginning a capital campaign to raise ten thousand dollars for tuck-pointing of the church exterior.

Many of you might have noticed the peeling and crumbling plaster around the church. We have discovered that the church needs tuck-pointing. We were able to get one section done last year and that section of the interior has stayed dry. Once this project is complete we can start to think about beautification of the interior spaces.

Our goal is to raise ten thousand dollars in order to complete the project and protect the integrity of the building. I am always amazed at what great things we can accomplish together and I look forward to getting the repairs done soon. Please donate what you can and mark it for "tuck pointing". One donation or several over time it does not matter as every one will get us closer to our goal.

Over the last several years we have made some wonderful improvements to the building. We have repaired two major stained glass windows,replaced the roof, replaced the sanctuary carpet, renovated the downstairs men's restroom, painted fellowship hall, covered the parking lot entrance stairs, upgraded the air compressor units for the air conditioning, painted the exterior gym windows, added an office space for the preschool and associate pastor, and most recently renovated the pastor and secretary's office space. These are only the large projects. There were many many smaller projects completed and I promise exciting things to come in the future.

This has all been made possible by the generosity of each one of you and we are privileged to be entrusted by you to care for this beautiful and historic building. Thank you all for taking such good care of our church.

Daron Smith & Trustees Committee

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Homecoming - Sept. 14

“A return to one’s home; arrival at home.” That’s how the dictionary defines homecoming. At Lafayette Park UMC, we’re celebrating Homecoming on September 14, and everyone is invited!

Traditionally, Homecoming is a time for former members and attendees to return to the church they once called home, but now—for a variety of reasons—no longer attend on a regular basis. It gives them the opportunity to reconnect with friends and to see what’s going on in the church community of which they were once a part. To this end, we’re publicizing the day in News & Views, on the church website and to those in the LPUMC email group, and in MO UM Net News.

This year, we’d like to broaden the invitation to include those looking for a church home. News of Homecoming will be included in the LPUMC article in the September issue of the Marquis and, if possible, will also travel through electronic avenues to reach those in the surrounding area.

If you know of past friends of the church who would like to revisit LPUMC and/or those who would enjoy learning more about us, please invite them to worship and fellowship with us on September 14 at 10 AM.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Sunday School Class Returns - Sept 14

It's BACK TO SCHOOL time. Time for our children to return to their classrooms at school and begin their lessons again. They will be stretching their imaginations, and building their knowledge and skills to prepare for the world.

September also marks the return of Sunday School Class at LPUMC. We have a place for all our children, preschool through 12th grade, with teachers who are glad to be there to share the Bible stories through storytelling, fun games, engaging crafts, music, and thoughtful conversation. The children and youth will be growing their faith through engaging their imaginations and building their knowledge of God’s Holy Word, to prepare for life.

Our children need both kinds of educational experiences. It is my prayer that you will pray about including your children in this important opportunity at church to explore and grow their faith. An Adult Bible Class is also available during the same time to help you grow your faith too.

Class convenes from 9:00am-9:50, Sunday mornings, beginning September 14th, in the lower level of LPUMC.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Disciple Bible Study Journeys Begin this Fall!

ONE OF THE WAYS that we believe that God speaks to us is through the scriptures of the Bible. So studying the Bible, especially in community with other learners, is an exciting journey that can result in a deeper relationship with God, with others, and with our own spirits.

Disciple Bible Study 1: "Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study" is a committed 34-week study designed to include beginners, who may never have owned a Bible, and for those who have studied scripture all their lives. DBS study requires a serious commitment to attendance and participation, but the pay off is priceless! You will have about 30 minutes of homework each day of reading, reflection, and prayer. In the spring, we will complete our study together at a Spiritual Retreat. Pastor Sharon will facilitate this study.

DBS Mini Course: Is a short term Disciple Bible Study will also be offered this fall, meeting 90 minutes, once a week for 8-11 weeks. The day and time are yet to be announced. Daron Smith will be the facilitator.

Important Dates:

  • 8/31 - DBS-1 Informational Meeting - for all those interested in learning more about DBS. Sunday, August 31st at 11:15pm, Downstairs in Fellowship Hall

  • 9/21 - DBS-1 Orientation Meeting - for those committed to participate this fall. Sunday, September 21th from 1:00-2:15pm.

  • 9/28 - Regular Classes will commence at LPUMC on September 28th
    Sunday afternoons from 1:00-3:30pm.

You do not need to be a member of our congergation to participate! Come with us as we prepare to embark on the journey of our lives…into The Word.

Questions or interest? Contact Pastor Sharon at 771-9214

Grace Squared Logo Contest!

The Contemporary Worship Team/Worship Committee needs your help to plan a new look and feel for the Grace Squared service (formerly known as the 8:00 am service!). We need a logo to visually share the name, Grace Squared. If you are interested, draw or create a logo by August 13, 2008. You can put them in the offering plate, or drop them by the church office.

Please participate - it doesn't have to be professional quality. Crayon drawings are welcome, so get the kids involved! We'll take a selection of the logos and further refine them to share back with everyone for input on the final logo. Your logo idea can also include visual representation of our church values, so be creative! Keep in mind that we want to create a logo that is welcoming to all, especially those unfamiliar with church life.

If you have any questions, contact Matt Brazelton or Bethany Spaulding.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Christmas in July - July 27th

The worship committee noticed our Chrismons needed refreshing. Then the question came: What are Chrismons? Why do we have them and how long have we had them? Time is so short in the Advent season that we are doing Christmas in JULY. Come sing Christmas carols, enjoy the make a salad lunch coordinated by the WCDANS, and make or refresh the Chrismons.

Think of various symbols and join us on July 27 after the 10 a.m. service to update the Chirsmons. Lafayette Park has had Chrismons since the late 1970s. Beth Coffey provided some of the original designs, which we are still using.


Chrismons are a type of Christmas Tree decoration used in many churches and often in the homes of Christians. The symbols used represent a variety of biblical and theological concepts that are well known among most believers.

Technically, if the ornaments on a Christmas tree are comprised mostly of Christian symbols, the tree is known as a "Chrismon Tree." Most Chrismons are white with gold decorations of beads, ribbon, glitter, etc.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PrideFest – June 28 & 29

Once again this year LPUMC will have a booth at the annual gay and lesbian PrideFest in Tower Grove Park. This is an outreach event for our congregation. We want the GLBT community to know:

As a people of faith, we recognize the diversity of people created in the image of God.
We welcome to this congregation people of any age, gender, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, health status and any element of humanity created by God.

As usual there will be representatives of other churches near the park spreading a different message. We hope to be a positive force at PrideFest. We will be sharing information about the ministries we have here at LPUMC and inviting anyone who is interested to stop by for a visit.

We will also be walking in the “Grand Parade” on Sunday at noon. We would like everyone who can take a few hours on Sunday to join us for the walk down South Grand. It is important that we a good representation of our congregation to make sure the community understands that we really are a welcoming congregation.

For more information contact Chris Finley or Pastor Katheleen.

Monday, June 16, 2008

VIM to Juarez Mexico - Oct 11-17

Volunteer's In Mission to Juarez, Mexico - Lafayette Park UMC will be returning to Juarez, Mexico to build a home for a family who presently is living in a shelter consisting of wood pallets covered with cardboard.

The team will be working the week of October 11-17. Although we are not leaving for 4 months, We need to secure airline tickets as soon as possible. Cost for friends and members of Lafayette Park is $450 which includes airfare and food/lodging. Please contact Nancy Thuer (or 314-965-9231, team leader) if you are interested in attending this year's mission event. No experience necessary!

This is a wonderful way to share Christ's love with our neighbors in other countries. You can learn more about Operation HOGAR by clicking on the following link:

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tri-Ball-Athon - June 21st

The LPUMC Young Adult group will be participating in the Tri-Ball-Athon! This benefit for Metro Homeless Center and Family Services will consist of volleyball, kickball and bounce ball. Our team will be "competing" against some of St. Louis's finest!

Metro's new group, The Shalom Outreach Society, is hosting this - a lazy person's triathlon! Please join us for a day of food, festivities, and fun in Forest Park from 11am to 4pm on Saturday June 21st. BBQ, beverages, and other snacks will be available for purchase starting at 11am.

If your interested in joining our team, contact Victoria Leonard as soon as possible to finalize our team, options for car pooling and team attire!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

120 Anniversary Celebration Month - May 2008

Celebrating Past, Present and Future at LPUMC
by Debra Crowe

Banners proclaim it, singers celebrate it and a month of special Sunday services commemorates it: the 120th anniversary of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church at its present location. Please join us during the month of May as we mark this momentous occasion.

May 4th is Mission Sunday. Hear representatives of Doorways, Epworth Children’s Home, Kingdom House Social Services Agency and Metro Homeless Center share information on their respective responses to the needy of our greater community. Learn about Volunteers In Mission trips to Juarez, Mexico to build homes for those who currently live in cardboard shelters. (The next trip is scheduled for October 11-17. To learn more, contact Nancy Thuer. Each will give a brief presentation during the service and will then be available in Fellowship Hall after the service to answer questions and provide more details.

On May 11th, celebrate Pentecost and Mother’s Day with a sermon as it would have been presented by Susanna Wesley, mother of John and Charles Wesley, founders of the early Methodist Church. This Sunday, the church will be collecting women’s toiletries to be given to a local shelter.

On May 18th, delight to the sound of our special musical guests, Charis Women’s Chorus. Following the service, Fellowship Hour moves to the front portico for an ice cream social.

On May 25th, Bishop Robert Schnase will deliver the day’s sermon. There will be Praise Dancers and special music by harpist Wayne Elrod. A barbecue lunch will follow the 10:00 service.
As you drive by the church, look out for the new banners designed for our anniversary. Proclaiming “Deep Roots, New Shoots,” they honor our rich history and anticipate future growth. If you’d like to be a part of that future, please come visit us.

Vacation Bible School - June 23 - 27th

Vacation Bible School is coming up, June 23-27. This year’s theme is Where Kids are Wild about God. Kids ages preschool through senior high are invited to bring their friends to experience Critter Crafts, Wild Games, The Mane Event, and lots of singing and laughter. Daily adventures are 6:00-8:30 p.m. and include a light supper.
Interested in a little summer excitement?
Call Kim at 427-6430 or the church office at 771-9414. VBS is free and open to all.

YASTA Night (Youth Pasta Night) - May 3rd

When it comes to pitching in, the kids of Lafayette Park United Methodist Church really step up to the plate—the dinner plate, that is. Join them on Saturday, May 3 from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. for YASTA Night in Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church. On that day, the children and youth of the church will be preparing and serving a pasta dinner featuring your choice of lasagna or spaghetti, salad, garlic bread, dessert and beverage. Prices are $5.00 for adults and $2.50 for kids under 10. Proceeds will go towards the refurbishment of the bowling alley in the church.

YASTA night is the brainchild of Andy Wilder, son of Pastor Kathleen and Jim Wilder. He created the name (derived from a combination of youth and pasta) and even has a marketing jingle: “YASTA, YASTA, come eat your pasta!” The rap-like rendition he gives it is reflective of the energy that is sure to abound as children as young as five years of age pitch in to cook, serve, sell tickets and clear tables. There will be adult supervision for the event, but it really is the kids who are developing their leadership—and culinary—skills for this evening. This kitchen has room for a few more cooks, so if your child would like to help prepare the food (or serve or clear tables), please call the church office and leave a message, along with your name and contact information, for Pastor Kathleen who will pass along the offer to Chef Andy. If you aren’t able to come help prepare, do try to “YASTA, YASTA, come eat your pasta!”

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Intercessory Prayer Study Group - May 12 - June 30

"The Workbook of Intercessory Prayer" will be the topic of this weekly group from May 12 - June 30.

Intercession is neither simple nor easy. So we don't walk this path without questions, doubt, and reticence. This seven-week study will give you an opportunity to experience the impact you can make on other people's lives through prayer.

For information contact Brenda Cooke

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring Rummage Sale - May 2nd & 3rd

Spring Rummage Sale. Clothing, toys, house wares—whatever you need, you’ll find at a great price. Come to Fellowship Hall on the lower level on Friday, May 2 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 3 from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Saturday is Bag Day, when all you can fit into one bag (provided by the UMW) is only $1.00!

Church Work Day - April 26

It is time to do some minor repairs and a lot of deep cleaning. As we prepare for our 120th Anniversary Celebration (in May) we need to have the place looking great. Richard Eaton will be leading the effort on Saturday April 26th. Wear some old cloths and bring your work gloves, we'll meet at 9 AM and plan to be done by 1 PM.

Annual Book Sale - April 11th & 12th

On April 11 and 12, peruse the wide variety of titles at the United Methodist Women’s annual book sale. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday and 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday in the lower level of the church. Plan to arrive early for the best selection. On Saturday, you get all the books that will fit into one bag (available at the sale) for just $2.00.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Week Schedule - March 2008

Easter time is here and once again we have additional services for everyone to take advantage of. The week of March 16 - March

Palm Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM
Monday - Day of Fasting
Tuesday - Day of Prayer
Wednesday - Worship at 3 PM - Centenary Chapel*
Maundy Thursday - Worship at 7 PM - Centenary Chapel*
Good Friday - Worship at 7 PM
Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt (12:45 PM see below!)
Easter Sunday - Worship at 8 & 10 AM

* Pastor Kathleen will be leading services at our sister church, Centenary UMC. All are welcome at all services at either location.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Preschool Trivia Night - Saturday March 29

If you’re a resident of the Square who has young children, you may already be aware of LPUMC’s preschool, a cooperative effort between teacher Edna Coleman and the parents of her students. (If you’re not familiar with the program, and would like more information, you may leave a message for Edna at 771-9214, ext. 15 or contact her via email at (lppreschool@sbcglobal.net.) And if you’ve lived on or around the Square for a while, you may also be familiar with the school’s primary fundraiser: Preschool Trivia Night! Game night this year is Saturday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym at the back of the church on the first floor. (Enter through the red door on the west side of the building.) In addition to the chance to compete with your friends and neighbors for the winner of the night’s trivia challenge, you’ll also have the opportunity to bid on a variety of items in the silent auction. Table reservations will be taken starting Sunday, March 3, so get the gang together, brush up on your trivia and come on over. For ticket information and to reserve space, contact Edna at the above phone number or email address.

Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday March 22

On Saturday, March 22, Lafayette Park UMC is excited to welcome The Easter Bunny, who will be hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The festivities kick off at 12:45 p.m. in Fellowship Hall from which Mr. Bunny will lead the party to the park. Children will be divided into groups according to age for the hunt, which will start at 1:00. Afterwards, guests will follow the Bunny Trail back to the church for photos with the Easter Bunny, games, snacks and special treats. The Easter Egg Hunt is open to all. For more information, please email heartreach@gmail.com.

Follow-up: For photos of the 2008 Easter Egg Hunt follow this link to our Flikr site:

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner - Saturday March 15th

The annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner. On March 15, from noon to 7:00 p.m., the United Methodist Women—with a little help from their friends—will be serving up your choice of corned beef or roast beef plus vegetables, bread and butter, dessert and a drink for just $6.00 for adults and $2.50 for children under 12.

Join us in Fellowship Hall on the lower level of the church. You may enter through the door under the blue awning on the north side of the church or through the red door that faces the parking lot on the west side. If you’re short on time, call ahead for carry-out: 773-1246. Whether you dine at our house or yours, this is one meal you don’t want to miss!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Free Music Concert March 1st: Shawn Thomas

LPUMC will be hosting a free concert by Christian Recording Artist, Shawn Thomas. Shawn is an "out and affirming" contemporary Christian artist whose musical background is as varied as his spiritual journey. He grew up in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and now incorporates traditional with non-traditional spiritual experiences believing that practices of faith and grace are never in conflict. He uses music as an expression of his faith including styles of music ranging from praise/worship, to pop/dance, to country/folk to rock/soul. Shawn visits churches, groups, and events sharing in concerts, workshops, and spoken message.

We are thrilled to be hosting Shawn's St. Louis concert.

When: Saturday evening March 1st, 7:30 PM
Where: Lafayette Park UMC - 2300 Lafayette Ave. 63104
Reception immediately following in Fellowship Hall

For more information on Shawn visit these links:
Shawn Website
Live Concert Footage at God Tube
Faith Unashamed (music video - YouTube)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Biggest Loser - Jan 24th-May 23rd

LPUMC will have its very own version of the Biggest Loser. If you are above your ideal weight for your height and age, have been feeling slow and sluggish and without energy to do the things you want to do with your children, grandchildren, or spouse THEN this is the program for you. Here is how we vision it working:

  1. Program to begin on Thursday, January 24th, with a weigh-in at church and will conclude on May 23rd.

  2. Entry donation of $25.00 due at time of weigh-in. ½ of the total amount received to be donated toward a 2008 apportionment, to be determined by the participants. The more participants, the greater the donation!

  3. Only YOU and one other person will know your weights

  4. All participants will receive an assigned “code” at the time of the weigh-in

  5. Weekly weigh-ins will occur each Thursday evening beginning February 7th between 5:30 and 7:00pm down in the Fellowship Hall.

  6. All participants will have their beginning and weekly weights posted by their assigned “code”.

  7. The participant with the greatest percentage of weight loss at the end of this 16 week period will be awarded the remainder of the entrance fees to either keep or donate, their choice.

  8. At each Thursday’s weigh-in there will be an opportunity to join in a stretching and walking exercise and enjoy a brown-bag dinner with the other contestants. It would be appropriate to share any success stories you have at that time.

NOTE: If you should decide not to complete the program in its’ entirety your entry donation will be forfeited.

If interested, please let us know you will be participating. You may notify Sheryl Smothers either by phone (583-4914) or e-mail no later than January 27, 2008. Wouldn’t it be great to have a new spring in your step and loads of energy?